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2005-01-21 09:30:17| 人氣46| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Moving crazily these days. Change my location everyday and now I am in Dunedin, a city in the southern part of South Island in New Zealand. Nearly iced in South Island, the so called SUMMER is around 13C, and cooler at night. Come from an air-condition room in Brisbane, I have to use heater here. Even the heater is not enough for keeping warm at night. Very cold.
I have been to Christchurch and Oamaru these days. The southern I go, the cooler the weather is. Enjoy the good air quality of NZ again.
Saw some blue penguin and yellow eye penguin yesterday, but not too many. Think about to see them again here. And the Royal Albatross, I don't know I am so interested in birds, may be because I grow up with birds la, yes, different kinds of birds since I was small. My father never give them up even in the seasons of H5N1 and SARS.

Hurting my foot in Canberra, my foot is more painful after that crazy movement within few days. Even hard to walk. Feel quite unhappy cause no one can help u and besides u in that weak moment. But may be that's what we should learn during travel time. To be independent and face all the things by your self. U still have to continue ur journey and with that super heavy backpack no matter what happen to u.
I have to go la, juz want to stay in that library and have a rest for my foot.
In any condition, journey have to be continued~

台長: bo
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