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一条YIT - 被催婚後,她堅持素顏相親6年,把奇葩經歷記錄

瀋陽姑娘劉佳寧單身28年之後,在相親過程中認識了初戀,不到半年就領證結了婚。 她前前後後相親過十幾次,奇葩經歷數不勝數。2017年10月份,佳寧開始在網上連載自己的相親故事,並在今年改編成小說《我的相親路上滿是珍禽異獸》,豆瓣評分高達8.5。#相親 #小說

Shengyang girl Liu Jianing after being single for 28 years finally met her first love on a blind date, and they got married in less than six months. She went on over a dozen blind dates and met all kinds of weirdoes. She has been posting her dating stories online since October 2017 and compiled those stories in a novel “All The Rare Beasts I’ve Blind Dated”. It is rated 8.5 on Douban.

來自: https://www.facebook.com/yitiaotv/videos/%E8%A2%AB%E5%82%AC%E5%A9%9A%E5%BE%8C%E5%A5%B9%E5%A0%85%E6%8

台長: c5lonniegree
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