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2004-07-18 19:34:10| 人氣115| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

To my dear Mother

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To My Dear Mother:
Although I can’t come back home oftentime when the summer vacation comes, I still think you loves me-your daughter forever!
Although I am not the best one in this school just what you hope me to be, I still remember I am the best one in your heart. I am your younger daughter, so father and you - all my family care about me. I am so warm!
Although I have no confident, I have God to be my confident! I am so proud of this, aren’t you?
Although I worry about myself, you don’t worry about me! I’ll keep your words in my heart.
Your daughter Emily Yen 92.06.29

台長: babies’-breath
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