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Discuss things openly and answer your kids' questions.

Discuss things openly and answer your kids' questions. Teach your children lullabies that they can sing to the baby, plus finger games and "peek-a-boo" games to entertain their new brother or sister. The more they feel that it is THEIR baby, too, the more positive their attitudes will be towards the baby. After the baby arrives, China Children Table Chair Sets suppliers try to do everything you can to set aside some special time each day that's just for you and each of your other children. When grandma says "What a cute bib the baby's wearing," your preschooler can say "I picked it !" In addition, make your children key members of the family committee that chooses a name for the new baby. They can choose baby clothes that appeal to them. Hopefully, you'll be inspired to try some of these ideas, so here goes.

Check out your local public library. Arts and crafts projects can furnish a special parent-child discussion and sharing time and may sometimes revolve around preparations for the new baby. No one is being replaced by the baby and the family cannot be whole unless EVERYONE is a part of it. You might even use a baby doll with your younger children to role play baby's diaper changing and feeding. The library or local bookstore should also be able to guide you to works of fiction, including picture books for preschoolers, that focus on the arrival of a new baby in the family and such issues as jealousy and feelings of neglect. Encourage your children to think about life with the new baby and how family routines will be altered.The sudden appearance of a new baby can be rough on the other children in the family. Worst of all, the new baby is the instant star of the family - the center of attention.

Everyone is talking baby talk, cooing at the new baby, and making a fuss over the newborn. Help them think about all the things that they'll be able to share with and teach the baby as he or she grows up and how important their role will be as a "big brother" or "big sister". It should have books geared to all different ages that can explain, in terms that children can understand, the biological process of having a baby. Continue along the path that you started on months earlier - reassure your kids that each of them is just as important as the baby is, so that they won't feel that they must compete for your love and attention. Keep the kids involved and actively participating and then, as the birth becomes imminent, dad and the kids may even conspire to prepare some extra, special, secret surprises for mom and the baby, like buying or creating a special keepsake item or putting together a "welcome home" party. The better your children are prepared for the impending event, the better they'll be able to cope with it emotionally.

Daily routines are disrupted and suddenly mom and dad are too busy to pay attention to older siblings. Re-tell any family anecdotes surrounding their births. Given these natural reactions, anything that you can do to prepare your other children for the new arrival will ease the transition. Picture books about baby animals may also help crystalize the concept and relate it to something your kids have already experienced, like watching newborn kittens, for example. If your kids internalize this belief, you may be able to avoid some of the trauma and the understandable resentment toward this little stranger who has stolen mommy and daddy's hearts.com. The older kids may feel shunted aside and resentful. This is especially true for the displaced former baby of the family. Include them in every step of the process. Coax your kids to develop their own lists of things that will be fun about having a new baby in the house - for example, they can push the baby carriage and help dress the baby. In short, it's always worth the effort to do as much as you can to get your kids involved in and excited about the arrival of a new baby.

At other times, let them focus on coming up with ways that they can help care for the baby or have them think of things they can do around the house to ease the burden on mom and dad. Sit down and go through photo albums of your kids' baby pictures and reminisce with them about their own arrivals into the world. To reduce jealousy, give your kids pride in the things that they CAN do that the baby can't do, like dressing themselves or enjoying a movie or reciting their ABCs. Quiet parent-child story reading times can provide an ideal opportunity to prepare young children for changes that are on the way and to reassure them of their own importance and irreplaceable position in the family. Everything you can do to involve your kids in advance and to get them to actually look forward to the birth will make a big difference in how they experience it. Even with your youngest children, try to give them some understanding of the changes that mom is going through and what they mean. Also, take this opportunity to make your kids aware that babies require gentle handling and a quiet environment. Your kids can help you repaint the nursery or paint a mural on the nursery wall, and help you pick out baby furniture, bedding and nursery decorations. 

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