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2014-02-02 23:28:05| 人氣483| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Beyond Architecture Nepal 2014

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Honorable guests, teachers, Shyam, students, friends from the community, a very good afternoon. We are Beyond the Wall and students from the University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Architecture. With more than one year of reparation, with the support from the school principle and our local partner, Shyam. It finally comes to a stage to realize our project.


We believed that design could improve the study and living condition. We hope that through the design of new playground and renovation of classrooms, we could bring some new ideas to the school. We hope that through the design of new playground and renovation of classrooms, we could bring some new ideas to the school. Creating a more favorable environment for students to study.


You may notice that we bring the rainbow to the outdoor learning and playground. Rainbow symbolizes hope and dream. And we believe the education is not only acquiring knowledge, but to bring hope and open up opportunities for the students who study here. With this rainbow we also want to link up our friendship of hku students and Nepal students from both ends of the rainbow.


Wish you all enjoy these few days of work and our deisgn. Without the support from the principle, teachers, shyam, fellow students and the community. This project would not be possible. 

台長: 阿婆


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