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2022-02-21 23:43:59| 人氣12| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Ravi Shab

The night that fills your heart His eyes are long on the way to this tired beach Then you lost your heart in this poor thing I wish they said it was all a dream The one who is going tomorrow will not be better at all If he is a hundred years old, his heart wants his eyes again It's better if no one is going to leave you Because there is no way he can forget his memory Everything bad and beautiful was beautiful next to you I remember my heart was the same color with me once One night in the darkness your eyes became the moon My moon became my halfway comrade The one who is going tomorrow will not be better at all If he is a hundred years old, his heart wants his eyes again It's better if no one is going to leave you Because there is no way he can forget his memory

台長: andymandy
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