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【美國原裝】HealthForce Nutritionals 甘露螺旋藻提取物蛋白粉1磅453.5克直送台灣哪裡買

< type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "brand", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "bestRating": 5, "worstRating": 1, "ratingCount": 70 , "ratingValue": 4.5 }, "image": "https://www.images-iherb.com/v/HFC-00004-1.jpg", "name": "HealthForce Nutritionals, 甘露螺旋藻提取物蛋白粉1磅(453.5克)"}


保健品螺旋藻-HealthForce Nutritionals, 甘露螺旋藻提取物蛋白粉1磅(453.5克)

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如果你還在考慮HealthForce Nutritionals, 甘露螺旋藻提取物蛋白粉1磅(453.5克)這個商品的話我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買就可以囉~~

  • Health Force SuperFoods

  • Spirulina is a Hard-Core Blue-Green Algae and Probably the Worlds Single #1 SuperFood

  • 髮旺旺床的世界
  • Incredible Source of Full Spectrum, Non-Toxic, Absorbable Nutrients and Compounds Including 60-70% Protein.

  • 100% TruGanic

  • Supports Immune System Function, Blood Sugar & Kidney Function

  • Raw Food

  • Exclusive Eco-Fresh Nutrient Lock Packaging髮旺旺

  • Vegan Earth Health Compassion

  • 床的世界

Spirulina is a Water-Green Algae that grows grown. 100% vegetable in fresh water lakes plankton. It is a blue-throughout the world.

Spirulina is a hard-core superfood and an incredible source of full spectrum, non-toxic, absorbable nutrients. It is 60-70% protein, making it the world's highest known source of protein.

The protein in Spirulina contains all eight essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It is a highly beneficial substitute for isolated protein powders (especially those of animal origin). Unlike the high uric forming protein from animal products that contributes significantly to osteoporosis and can cause kidney stress, Spirulina's protein is gentle on your kidneys and its Pycocyanin has been shown to actually help protect against kidney failure!

Spirulina provides high levels of chlorophyll, and also contains iron (non-toxic in whole plant form), vitamin A (as non toxic beta-carotene), a full spectrum of carotenoids, B-1, B-2, B-6, E, and K. In addition, Spirulina provides a vast array of minerals, trace elements, phytonutrients and enzymes. Spirulina also offers beneficial fatty acids such as DHA, GLA and others which have been shown to possess potent anti-viral activity, chlorophyll, and other beneficial pigments. Spirulina is a whole food source of concentrated nutrients that has been used for centuries. The ancient Aztecs thrived on Spirulina from Lake Texcoco in Mexico. In addition, Spirulina is still harvested by the native people who live around the lake in Chad, Africa.

100% TruGanic: TruGanic is a purist, hard-core quality standard significantly beyond organic. In addition to no pesticides being used anywhere in the growing process, TruGanic includes authentic standards for production, non-toxic cleaning agents and pest control, electromagnetic radiation, processing agents, additives, air quality, and actual verification for purity.

"The quality, therapeutic concentration, and affordability of a nutritional product can, and often does, mean the difference between lethargy and energy, sickness, and health, and, quite literally, life and death. I don't want anyone to be tired, sick, or dead because they could not obtain or afford the best possible product. Loyalties can be divided. I want to make clear where mine lies. My loyalty is to those who want to thrive, and those whose life situation requires them to thrive. My loyalty is to the end user. My loyalty... is to you. And in my life now and one day, when I look back upon my life, that has and will still have value to me incomparable to any amount of money, investors, or fame."

-Dr. Jameth Sheridan (Naturopath, Dr. of Holistic Medicine, Herbal Medicine Researcher)

HealthForce Nutritionals, 甘露螺旋藻提取物蛋白粉1磅(453.5克)




< type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "brand", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "bestRating": 5, "worstRating": 1, "ratingCount": 500, "ratingValue": 4.9 }, "image": "http://i.imgur.com/SUfhfed.png", "name": "立即購買"}

台長: anblofdwf4
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