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Galeria Loewe Madrid legend is forever

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Galeria Loewe Madrid legend is forever


newly opened Galeria Loewe located at 8 GranVía


newly opened Galeria Loewe is located in the historic place - 8 GranVía, here is the Loewe (Loewe) first shop, designed by architect Francisco Ferrer Bartolomé, and in 1939 was officially opened. From this autumn, the entire ㄧ floor space into a gallery-like, aims specifically designed for the pleasure of the senses art installations and interactive experiences, and explore the history, tradition and emotional attraction of Spain's most important luxury brand. Eight different areas of their respective interpretation of the brand from a unique perspective 166 years since the founding generations of extraordinary craftsmanship, Galeria Loewe classic showcase the brand's most iconic products and leather, and tells the story of their evolving legend.


Galeria Loewe Madrid legend is forever


entrance Amazona handbag large steel sculpture, created by artist Jordi Diez


Amazona handbag large steel sculpture, Amazona Loewe series is the world's best-selling star product, created by the artist Jordi Diez, occupies the entire entrance of the shop. Inspired by the museum's art collection on display in Madrid, the exhibition will be placed in its aesthetic characteristics Amazona atmosphere of the Spanish cultural heritage, and vividly describes the iconic Loewe bags handmade processes. Film District shows the production process of a craftsman Loewe Amazona handbags, the process will be long hours of concentrated into eight minutes of high-tech 3D video. Traditional craftsmen Loewe leather processing tools currently in use are still on display reveal the knowledge of how to use these tools and how mentoring between generations. By decade has demonstrated the tool can even be traced back to the Bronze Age, and proved thousands of years,LV包包, little change in these tools. Amazona region shows various derivative series exhibited various changes since its inception in 1975, Amazona. Amazona colors and materials located in the central area, allowing you to witness the various changes.


Galeria Loewe Madrid legend is forever


a large tree covered with leather interaction using a variety of colors and leather processing technology


from 1945 to 1978, the legendary art director and designer José Pérez de Rozas window display with its luxurious, so Loewe stores become a senior attractive landmark, thereby laying the auxiliary Loewe as Spain's most important luxury brand. José Pérez de Rozas window display engraved version, specially configured with a 1960s style with gorgeous peacock. Loewe silk professional display through the wall projection, showing the number of printing data from the files of designer brands. Each design is unique, inspired by the butterfly, Manila shawls and bullfighting in Spain demonstrated most vividly rich artistic and historical heritage.


Galeria Loewe Madrid legend is forever


site displays the traditional craftsmen Loewe leather processing tools currently still in use


tree large tree covered with leather interaction using a variety of colors and leather processing technology, inviting visitors to explore personal touch to create the perfect soft texture Loewe variety of leather. Tree "Leather Tree" rises from the ground, spread out, through the ceiling, explaining the core Loewe leather brings a touch of elated feeling. Finally, a large interactive screens allow visitors through words and pictures, to explore in more detail the history of Loewe. Glass touch screen using just your fingers gently touch, you can open the long Loewe rich and legendary history. From the birthplace of the brand began in Madrid, Galeria Loewe brand will bring the legend around the world. The associated display device is well-adjusted and transferred to the Shanghai Jing An Kerry Centre, Landmark,LV包包, Hong Kong and Tokyo Omotesando Street, the newly opened stores.

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