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2013-12-04 16:10:34| 人氣2,308| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

微笑台灣-看見 Persimmon 發現味衛佳柿餅...

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微笑台灣-看見 Persimmon 發現味衛佳柿餅...

When people travel to Taiwan, there will always be these vivid sceneries, local people, to impress visitors. There are full of decades of life stories behind these local people. Whether the story is about his aged craftsmen, fisherman in the oyster farms, farmers in rural areas, as long as you take your life seriously, you might be part of these vivid sceneries. 


台長: 劉理鑑
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

2014-07-21 12:32:13
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