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2011-12-17 22:59:11| 人氣642| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I Have Two Viewpoints on St. Mary’s Hospital

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On one rainy morning, I was late for the 9:30 Tze-Chiang Limited express train. It took me more than usual three hours to arrive in Taitung. No doubt, a whole day slips by from morning to evening while
one is sitting in the car of a train. I am sick and tired of traveling by train or by bus. It is tiresome and time-consuming to travel by train or by bus. In recent years, I have done much traveling. I have found that the process of traveling includes some happy moments. The time is mine and I can do things to my heart’s content. In the train, while I was lost in fancy, dreaming, thinking ideal thoughts, and just wandering; I
stuck out my head to say “Hello.” I have never forgotten eminent Albert Schweitzer who is always somewhere in the depths of my heart.
I have been willing to offer my help to St. Mary’s hospital. There are countless touching and moving stories that most outsiders are not aware of. Not long ago, there occurred a crisis in the hospital management. Even the locals were under the false impression that St. Mary’s hospital would eventually be closed. In fact, there was the presumption that St. Mary’s hospital would simply be turned into a hospice care center. Believers always thought the opposite. The hospital has had difficulties in its management, but St. Mary’s hospital nevertheless tried to avoid being a high-cost and mone y -wa st ing
hospice care center. From being a hospital for pregnant women for over forty-five years to becoming a hospital for the poor and the dying, St. mary’s Hospital insists - even till this daythat it is the first hospice care center in all of taitung. The vice superintendent of the hospital, Ms. Ma, welcomed me in person at the train station. Her warm and hearty welcome and reception made me feel embarrassed. She told her colleagues she would leave to welcome a savior. How I wished I could be that savior she was waiting for. I basically had two viewpoints regarding St. Mary’s hospital:
1. Medical college students have to come to St. Mary’s Hospital for practical training in order to become good doctors some day.
2. All hospitals and clinics which want to establish hospice care centers or care and nursing centers should make it a point to visit St. Mary’s Hospital.

台長: 亞特蘭提斯的追夢人
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