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2012-03-30 12:07:49


世賢參加和平諮詢會議,這一位是俄羅斯新聞社北京分會副社長Dr. Petrovskiy。好友來電,問我能否代表台灣參加在南韓舉行的和平特別諮詢會議?以宗教人的立場,為聯合國即將設立的宗教委員會作具體建議。我當然很樂意...

2012-03-28 14:44:12



2012-03-15 02:41:57



2012-03-06 16:45:04



2012-02-22 15:25:52


蕭玉鳴修女追思彌撒時間:二〇一二年二月二十四日下午四點半 地點:台東聖母醫院三樓禮堂(台東市杭州街二號)蕭玉鳴修女(Matilde Sansolis Serneo )小檔案u 一九三四年一月二十六日生於菲律賓中部ILOILO省u 一九五...

2012-02-21 15:53:19



2012-02-12 20:00:00

Rascals and Fathers All Need Hospice Care

St. Mary’s Hospital is the last stop in the lives of many people in Taitung. Though the doctors tell them that the hospital does not have enough equipment and that they will help them to transfer to ...

2012-02-10 20:00:00

Summoning 220 People to Raise Funds for Love X-Ray

During these days, the superintendent of St. Mary’s Hospital Sister Zheng and I have been talking about the future direction of the hospital development. She always lays stress on the special point: ...

2012-02-08 19:00:00

Camping in Front of the Hospital

It takes two hours to go by ship from Taiwan to the small island called Orchid Island in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The people on that island would come to St. Mary’s Hospital to see the doctors when...

2012-02-05 19:00:00

The Red Carnation on Mother’s Day

Mothers’ Day is just around the corner. I happen to think of the brilliant smiles of May and the red carnation on her breast. I wonder what she is doing now. Does she still sell betel nuts? Does she ...

2012-02-04 07:00:00

Spiritual Healing Garden

The water in the Spiritual Healing Garden comes from the under ground. After several attempt at filtration by using the drop height, pure water falls into the small pool like waterfalls just beside th...

2012-02-01 01:48:58


一代教宗(Pope John Paul II)教宗若望‧保祿二世簡介:教宗若望‧保祿二世(或譯「教皇約翰‧保羅二世」,拉丁語 Ioannes Paulus PP. II,生於1920年5月18日),現任羅馬天主教教宗。若望保祿二世於1978年10月16日...

2012-01-30 09:13:08


初步將支援門診診療、社區醫療服務 而以糖尿病醫療照護與感染控制項目為主 記者江宛菱/報導 (轉載更生日報)台北國泰綜合醫院與台東聖母醫院合作,昨天簽署合作合約。簽約人除了台東衛生局長陳照隆、聖母醫院的院長...

2012-01-13 08:00:00

The Beautiful Lilies in the Mountain Tribe

2009年聯合報選出最讓台灣人難忘的背影的施少偉醫師.JPGOn an evening in November, under the leadership of the superintendent of St. Mary’s Hospital, all the staff and Parish Priests went to Taimali. We ...

2012-01-07 14:43:55



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