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2001-03-29 06:33:31| 人氣1,194| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

5th Try

推薦 0 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

Condition: 又下雨ㄌ
Temperature: 25 C
Aim: basically repeat 4th try, stop at appropriate time.

1. get all the bands in 1.1% this time, predict to see good seperation in bigger DNA pieces, but not..
2. get all the bands, also good seperation between 200bp-500bp.

higher concentration gel, do have better seperation for small pieces of DNA.
predict to see good result in low concenration gel, but no significant result.

台長: 爛藍懶人
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全站分類: 校園社團(社團、班級、校友會、同學會)

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