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2001-03-20 08:37:54| 人氣1,192| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

1st Run

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Condition: 呼~~信心大增,(既然有人看,那就更努力寫啦)
Temperature: room temp 25C
Equipmet : basic equipment for electropherosis.
Chemicals: ethidium bromide, 1xTBE buffer. marker, PCR sample, metaphor agarose gel powder.

follow the basic procedure.

1. making 1.8% Metaphor agarose gel (flask instead of beaker)
2. to prevent water loss during boiling, weight before and after
3. gel was run in 5V/cm this time, took more than one hour to run half way thru
4. the resolution, not good enough for 500 bp

increase the power supply for two reasons,to run gel faster, and have better resolution.

台長: 爛藍懶人
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