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Jude Law(二)

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Jude Law 小檔案

配偶:Sadie Frost(1997年結婚至今).育有三名子女:兒子Rafferty (生於1996), 女兒Iris(生於2000年10月).以及Rudy (生於2002年9月12日).

另有Sadie Frost與前夫生的兒子Finlay.

與Ewan McGregor曾是室友關係




在左前臂刺有披頭四所唱Sexy Sadie的歌詞-"You came along to turn on everyone Sexy Sadie," 代表著他的愛妻Sadie Frost.

在2001年六月上Jay Leno節目受訪時.表示他的名字來自披頭四的歌'Hey Jude'

推掉電影"開膛手From Hell" 邀約.



Personal quotes
"My only obligation is to keep myself and other people guessing."

"I would never know how to sell myself as a sex symbol. That's not how I'm programmed."

"[...] you go to the National with your parents and think: 'I'd love to be here.' And then suddenly you are. It's a dream come true."

"I've always thought Prince Charming in Cinderella was the most boring role; I'd rather be the Wicked Witch."

"I honestly have no interest in celebrity whatsoever. If anything, I always cringe at it because it takes away from what I am, which is an actor who wants to be better and do better things."

"I don't want to do anything that I'm not passionate about."

Jude Law作品年表

*World of Tomorrow, The (2003) [Actor] [Producer]
*Cold Mountain (2003) [Actor .... Inman]
*Marlowe (2003) [Actor .... William Shakespeare]
*Road to Perdition 非法正義 (2002) [Actor .... Maguire]
*Making of 'Road to Perdition', The (2002) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
*AI: A Portrait of Gigolo Joe (2002) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
*Artificial Intelligence: AI 人工智慧(2001) [Actor .... Gigolo Joe]
... aka A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) (USA: poster title)
*Enemy at the Gates大敵當前 (2001) [Actor .... Vassili Zaitsev]
... aka Duell - Enemy at the Gates (2001) (Germany)
*Love, Honour and Obey (2000) [Actor .... Jude]
... aka London Dogs (2001) (Japan: English title)
... aka Love, Honor and Obey (2001) (USA)
... aka Love, Honour & Obey (2000) (UK)
*Orange British Academy Film Awards, The (2000) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]

*Talented Mr. Ripley, The 天才雷普利(1999) [Actor .... Dickie Greenleaf]
... aka Mysterious Yearning Secretive Sad Lonely Troubled Confused Loving Musical Gifted Intelligent Beautiful Tender Sensitive Haunted Passionate *Talented Mr. Ripley, The (1999) (USA: complete title)
*Tube Tales (1999) (TV) [Director]
*Presence of Mind (1999) [Actor .... Secretary]
... aka Celo, El (2000) (Spain)
*eXistenZ-- X接觸-來自異世界(1999) [Actor .... Ted Pikul]
... aka eXistenZ (1999) (France)
*Wisdom of Crocodiles, The (1998) [Actor .... Steven Grlscz]
... aka Immortality (2000) (USA: video title)
*Final Cut (1998) [Actor .... Jude]
*Music From Another Room (1998) [Actor .... Danny]
*Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 熱天午後之慾望地帶(1997) [Actor .... Billy Carl Hanson]
*Gattaca千鈞一髮 (1997) [Actor .... Jerome Eugene Morrow]
*Wilde 王爾德的情人(1997) [Actor .... Lord Alfred 'Bosie' Douglas]
... aka Oscar Wilde (1998) (Japan: English title)
*Bent (1997) [Actor .... Stormtrooper]
*I Love You, I Love You Not徬徨的愛 (1996) [Actor .... Ethan]
*Crane, The (1994) [Actor .... Young Man 1]
*Shopping (1994) [Actor .... Billy]
*Marshal, The (1993) (TV) [Actor .... Bruno]
*"Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, The" (1990) TV Series [Actor .... Joe Barnes]
*"Families" (1990) TV Series [Actor .... Nathan Thompson]


(圖為Jude Law初至紐約發展時的模樣.要是所有修馬路工人都像他這麼帥該有多好...)

台長: Lucky Gals
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