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Another sleepless night, came across a 30min radio interview of Fiona sit.

I’m inspired to write her a little letter.

I don’t believe in God, not yet maybe because I’m so lucky so far, but I’m drawn to her light. As far as I’m concerned, she maybe a messenger from God.

To Fiona,

I have received your love and your message. I hope to obsorb your energy and pass it onto others one day, when I worked through my own issues. You make me want to believe in god but I know also that I won’t be devoted, I have tried convincing myself before but I couldn’t, so I’m going to leave it up to fate, or a little miracle. I’m super grateful to have come across you during such a crazy period of my life, I think you are a present from above. I still have some way to go before I can fully embrace what this all means, but I trust I’m on the right path. May the universe send you everything you wanted, may your days be filled with sunshine, and if it rains, may the rain fall softly upon your fields, you deserve all the love in the world and more. I will follow your light and try to be the best version of myself too.

Yours inspired,

ps link to the radio interview for my own record.

台長: Tempsfuit
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