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2012-07-10 20:42:51| 人氣1,719| 回應5 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Ok so pchome has been another idiot again for not allowing iPad to type Chinese here - since when would you keep up with the times pchome? How come you never fail to fail?

Anyway this is another self assessment for the past few months since my last update on my business related, I guess it's fine in English as I would be the only one interested in reading so that's ok.

Last year was possibly te worst economic times for Melbourne business, many companies went under, some with very solid market share and strong branding. Service related businesses have all suffered this downfall. My decision to open a new business in the darkest time Of economic history in the past four decades had been brave, if not in blind faith and somewhat stupidity.

However I regret nothing, for I not only survived - literally and metaphorically, I thrived, and I will for the coming year, learn to dominate my little market. My competitors are shrivelling in my presence, and they should be afraid, for that I have such a small team, but we are the winning combination.

I may sound confident, truth is there are still many things at stake and there is still a long way to go. My market share is still minimal in the whole scheme of things - 4/50, what's that, less than 10% - and right now it is critical in getting more market share before the market revives. 

I hope Noel accepts my proposal and starts to pump more resources into the critical marketing aspect of this business, assist me in building a better brand in the local area. At the same time I should try to get more support on each deal, and turn over higher volume.

It's a volume game in this economy - the more deals you take the more money you make, and I need to make more money to get the my planned stage two operation.

I hope whoever it is out there watching over me during this difficult period will continue to look after me, I shall show tough grit and tenacity, and I shall prevail. 

There are things I could improve. Cash flow is an obvious problem, managing cash, keeping a clear track record is becoming more and more vital everyday. 

I need:
1) keep the books balanced. My bank accounts, invoices, payments, balances, reconciliations, all those boring kill me I thought I never have to do again after Uni fucking accountard stuff, unfortunately I have to pick up again and I need to keep the books balanced so there isn't too much work for the end of the year.

2) always make payments on time. I know cash flow is tough, but remember, this is where your reputation begins to build and relationships starts to foster. Pay your suppliers on time and you shall get your rewards on time also.

3) be on top of your workload, don't leave til tomorrow what you could get done today.

Apart from these things I'm generally happy with the way things are going. Fingers all my plans come to fruition, and all my preparation now will be paid off in the warm spring.

台長: Tempsfuit
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全站分類: 工作甘苦(工作心得、創業、求職) | 個人分類: Living A Dream |
此分類下一篇:公司變動, 一些想法
此分類上一篇:刺激的五月? 六月? 七月?

加油~!!但也不要太累 太衝啦~ FIGHTING!!
2012-07-11 20:51:50
謝啦 *賞糖*
2012-07-11 23:15:53
2012-07-11 23:13:14
謝 *賞糖*
2012-07-11 23:16:16
hey i'm always reading your business related posts
in fact i may be more interested in these than snsd/taeny XD
(sorry sones)

good to see you in fightin spirit, chin up!

haha eventually you'll be able to outsource all boring book keeping stuff to us boring bean counters XD
2012-07-12 03:34:33
Oops, forgot you're one.
You know I'm just venting.

Ah the sea of commerce is reporting heightened level of turbulence ahead, sometimes I wish I'd be happy counting beans just for that peace of mind.
2012-07-12 20:01:34

Whic company you are working for?
2012-07-12 22:55:00
the best company in the world! :)
2012-07-13 12:32:24
oh can i join you??:)
i ... i am unemployed :(
please please ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2012-07-13 17:35:58
but...but...you have to be in melbourne first...
2012-07-13 20:45:02
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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