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2006-11-26 00:34:29| 人氣1,738| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Grace Park’s short interview

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My god this woman’s fraking funny! Maybe not the wittiest of the pack but no one looks as good in lemon!

Talk pro cylon is funny, and I’m glad she said ’no one looks that good’ and ’that’s not any of me’ about Maxim shoots, it helps delusional girls (like me) to clarify reality. hahahaha.

And she’s a full toaster thank you very much Mr interviewer, do your homework cos Boomer’s not a hybrid!! But I applaud your saying she won, Grace you definately deserve 81, you’re totally hotter than Tricia Heifer, if I were working on the magazine you’d be 1 no doubt, but maybe that’s my fervent obsession of you talking...LMAO
為什麼這張她看上企像外星人? Isn’t been a cloned toaster bad enough?? 哈哈哈哈

台長: Tempsfuit
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