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Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kids arrives in US November 10
Samsung's child-friendly take on the Galaxy Tab 3.(Credit:Samsung)Samsung on Monday confirmed that the child-friendly Galaxy Tab 3 Kids will soon be available for purchase in the United States.The 7-inch Android powered tablet is a brightly colored, youthful spin on the current generation of Samsung Galaxy Tabs.Related stories:Meet Samsung's new toddler-friendly Galaxy TabSamsung Galaxy Tab 3 reviewSamsung said to sign three-year, $100 million deal with NBAHardware specifications are identical to the standard Galaxy Tab 3. Where things differ, however, are in the color and software features that come preinstalled on fast wow power leveling the Kids edition.Kids Mode, for instance, provides an entirely different user interface and boasts apps and games for both entertainment and education. Titles include classics such as Fruit Ninja, Where's My Perry?, and Kids Planet Discovery.Parental controls ensure that kids don't accidentally rack up wow power leveling 90-100 Google Play charges or stumble upon the wrong Web site. What's more, the timer lets parents manage just how long Junior gets to spend on the tablet in one sitting. Adults and older kids who want to use the Tab 3 can also switch back to the standard Android mode. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kids will retail for $229.99 when it arrives on November 10; pre-orders begin November 1. Samsung, wanting to make this the perfect holiday buy, is tossing in a host of Galaxy Perks, points that you can convert into Google Play and Samsung Hub credits, and more. As an added bonus, the Galaxy Tab 3 Kids comes with a $10 Google Play credit, 12-months of Boingo Mobile Wi-Fi, three months of Hulu Plus, and two years of up to 50GB of free DropBox storage.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kids arrives in US November 10

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