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I. Committees and Group Decision Making
Committees do have legitimate functions and, properly used, they constitute on invaluable management tool. A committee is a group of persons to whom, as a group, some matter is committed. Committees are a fact of organizational life. Because of variation in the authority assigned to committees, much confusion has result as to their nature.
1. The Nature of Committees
A committee is a group of persons to whom, as a group, some matter is committed. Committees may be line on staff, formal or informal, permanent or temporary. Committees are used for obtaining group deliberation and judgement , for preventing one person from accumulating too much authority, and for presenting the views of different groups. Committees are also used for coordinating departments, plans, and policies, as well as for sharing information. At times, a manager may not have all the authority needed for making a decision. Thus, authority is consolidated through committees. Moreover, committees often increase motivation by letting people participate in the decision-making process. But sometimes committees are used to postpone a decision and to avoid action.
2. Reasons for using committees
One need not look far for reasons for the widespread use of committees. Although the committee is sometimes regarded as having democratic origins and as being characteristic of democratic society, the reasons for its existence go beyond mere desire for group participation. Committees are widely used even in authoritarian organizations, such as the People’s Republic of China.
3. Disadvantages of Committees
Committees also have disadvantages: 1. High Cost in Time and Money. 2. Compromise at the Least Common Denominator. 3. Indecision. 4. Tendency to be Self-Destructive. 5. Splitting of Responsibility. 6. Tyranny by a Few Persons. They can be costly; their actions may result in compromises at the least common denominator; their discussions may lead to indecision; and they have the tendency to be self-destructive when one person dominates the meetings. Another drawback is the responsibility is split, with no one person feeling responsible for a decision. Moreover, a small group of committee members may insist on the acceptance of their unwarranted view against the will of the majority.
4. The plural Executive and the Board of Directors
A plural executive, such as a board of directors, is a committee with the power to make managerial decisions. The authority of the board of directors varies widely. While the board often gets involved in strategy formulation and policymaking, implementation of the policies is usually done by managers.
5. Misuse of committees
The committee form has often fallen into disrepute through misuse. The five following abuses should be avoided when committees are set up and operated. 1. As Replacement for a Manager. 2. For Research or Study. 3. For Unimportant Decisions. 4. For Decisions beyond Participants’ Authority. 5. To Consolidate Divided Authority.
6. Successful Operation of Committees
Managers spend a great deal of time in committees. The use of committees is due not only to the democratic tradition in American social life but also to a growing emphasis on group management and group participation in organizations. In attempting to overcome some of the disadvantages of committees, managers may find the following guidelines useful. Effective operation of a committee requires determining its authority, choosing an appropriate size, selecting members carefully, using it only for the proper subject matter, appointing an effective chairperson, taking and circulating minutes, and using it only when its benefits exceed it costs.
II. Communication
The new technologies of communications have the power to change the competitive game for almost all companies of all sizes. Communication is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver, with the information being understand by the receiver. The communication process begins with the sender, who encodes an idea that is sent in oral, written, visual or some other from to the receiver. The receiver decodes the message and gains an understanding of what the sender wants to communication process may be interrupted by “noise” that is, by anything that hinders communication. In an organization, managers should have the information necessary for doing a good job. The information may flow not only downward or upward in the organization structure but also horizontally or diagonally. Communication can be in written form, but more information is communicated orally. In addition, people communicate through gestures and facial expressions.
1. The Purpose of Communication
Communication is essential for the internal functioning of enterprises, because it integrates the managerial functions. Communication is especially needed to 1. Establish and disseminate the goals of an enterprise. 2. Develop plans for their achievement. 4. Select, develop, and apprise members of the organization. 5. Lead, direct, motivate, and create a climate in which people want to contribute. 6. Control performance.
2. Feedback in Communication
To check the effectiveness of communication, a person must have feedback. One can never be sure whether or not a message has been effectively encoded, transmitted, decoded, and understood until it is confirmed by feedback. Similarly, feedback indicates whether individual or organizational change has taken place as a result of communication.
3. Barriers and Breakdowns in communication
Communication is hindered by barriers and breakdowns in the communication process. Understanding these barriers, making a communication audit, and applying the guidelines for effective communicating and listening facilitate not only understanding but also managing. Electronic media can improve communication, as illustrated by teleconferencing and the application of computers, two of many approaches to handing the increasing amount of information in organizations.

台長: winmore168
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