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這則純粹是義務幫忙的廣為告知中壢地區3家商店的產品在同一禮盒裡 中壢街區博物館 16 小時  ·  【饗食中壢】禮盒,正式......(詳全文)
發表時間:2021-04-09 10:40 | 人氣:1911 | 回應:2
Just found I've talked with him in 桃市圖中壢分館 a couple years ago. He is young and tall who could speak 中文 very well, and he has several books in Chinese. Then, I've found he#......(詳全文)
發表時間:2021-03-05 18:52 | 人氣:4323 | 回應:3
【0131&0201走讀巷弄】 It's really fake to me and took this photo @中壢中壢公園 in the evening yesterday. Happy to get some books, and took one "Seriously....I'm kidding by E......(詳全文)
發表時間:2021-02-02 12:59 | 人氣:19200 | 回應:3
...  Still has 6 or 8 KM to walk today, already made 10 something KM from start point #中壢三教紫雲宮。And, no one come or ask anything, but only shared what I,ve took. A bit ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2021-02-01 12:42 | 人氣:15363 | 回應:1
...已經向多位議員與立委陳情申訴無用! 1月23日下午6:21 · It's been eight more years that my family was ruined in Taoyuan. Wash, abuse, bullying, ransom, break-in, forged docu......(詳全文)
發表時間:2021-01-29 12:41 | 人氣:1142 | 回應:4
目前大園+楊梅+埔心+龍興+中壢分局以搜捕潛逃名義進行了限制居所的剝皮行為掩飾公部門裡偽造文書侵門踏戶集體霸凌與不倫, 細節如下: 請問:這樣是維護國民健康的實例嗎? 辛苦了醫護人員們聯合......(詳全文)
發表時間:2021-01-22 15:10 | 人氣:1208 | 回應:0
Just know this a few minutes ago, check it out please. 中壢五號倉庫藝文基地 參加 壢史的歲月痕跡:中壢學 【研討會徵稿啟示】 ──在 中壢區 。 11月2日下午8:26&nbs......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-11-05 15:21 | 人氣:0 | 回應:1
... Two young girls came in front of me and told me that they will be here again for an outdoor activity, Date: Nov 5th 2020 (Thursday) Time: 8:30 Place: 中壢區中北路二段481號 Al......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-11-03 18:59 | 人氣:63 | 回應:0
【友情無價】非關翻牆 應該是更早於2010年之前,未登入閱讀他PCHome的圖文,心想:文字讓他撥弄出的意象和許多友善回應,真是撩人思緒琴音迴盪,但沒敢出聲留言。   後來知道他是早幾期的......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-10-16 09:16 | 人氣:155 | 回應:0
... 下一場次是 12/05 有關失智議題, 屆時再發講座訊息給大家.. 於 2020年8月28日 週五 下午5:13寫道: 好久不見了, 大家好嗎? 上半年因為疫情影響, 暫停公益講座的辦理, 自九月起我們又恢復辦......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-10-16 08:52 | 人氣:229 | 回應:0
然而用什麼擔保品與哪些肩膀承擔地主的權益+後續拆遷與開發+隨之而來的工程品質和進度達相當良率? 用集體失憶與大內宣應該可行? 20年來沒有擔保與承擔公部門內政的失策派系清洗與侵門踏戶集體......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-10-15 09:18 | 人氣:66 | 回應:1
...【0705 走讀巷弄】 Did you enjoy moon light last night? Where were you and what've been done then? Really tired since yesterday, and still rode my bike in the morning today. Jus......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-07-07 10:28 | 人氣:317 | 回應:1
...【0704 走讀巷弄】 Quite hot and rode my bike from somewhere in Pingcheng --> #桃市圖平鎮分館 wait for a long time to watch the kids and parents line up there, #據說是綠光幼稚......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-07-05 12:45 | 人氣:341 | 回應:1
...Vera Pon 昨天上午10:46 ·  【0613走讀巷弄】續Went to find out what they've learned and what they are going to give us, c......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-06-16 14:33 | 人氣:187 | 回應:2
...【0607 走讀巷弄】Walked almost 10KM everyday with my bike since May 29, but, so surprised to see accident less than 700M in the afternoon yesterday. Just between #中壢市中山東......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-06-08 12:09 | 人氣:260 | 回應:0

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