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2013-09-29 19:05:15
2013-01-01 13:33:50
2012-01-21 22:12:40
2022-06-05 11:48:57


兩篇好文分享 Since the latest #全基因組定序(Whole genome sequencing,#WGS)about 'Terpios hoshinota' will be released soon. People always can help to upgrade our environment and let's hand-in-hand...

2022-06-05 11:45:50


《護海公民學堂》線上系列講座第三場次 #講師:中研院研究員陳昭倫博士 #講題:外木山的海洋生命探索 6月 5日 (星期日) · 上午10:00 - 12:00 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/ahm-k...

2022-05-16 12:50:56


這套書四本很精緻且圖文俱佳語意賅要, 一定要推薦給各位收藏!Share: 臺灣商務印書館 ednpo日g462910260月年m1· ▍《#許進雄大師開講:穿越時空、領略漢字與文物之美》套...

2021-04-09 10:40:26


這則純粹是義務幫忙的廣為告知中壢地區3家商店的產品在同一禮盒裡 中壢街區博物館 16 小時· 【饗食中壢】禮盒,正式開放訂購! 青年創意的包裝設計,結...

2021-04-08 10:51:47

《0408 海的盡頭》

Wait tonight for a film that show you the wet land in Taiwan on PTS. So moving to watch ox carry his old man and walking on the beach to make their basic living, also you could find out some marine cr...

2021-04-07 13:05:59


Moving to read this with Delta #台達50故事 #男人與他的海, just share with you. Enjoy~ 台達 Delta 4月4日下午9:00· #台達50故事 #歷史...

2021-04-07 13:02:44


謝謝向明老師提供清晰的照片檔是一首陳克華醫師的作品一起來閱讀吧~ Vera Pon 謝謝詩人向明 + 陳克華 分享一篇只讀一部份的作品 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=4101834279840663&set=a.2134772...

2021-04-06 15:06:59


Really good to know this,he said, do not write any poets.But, I've found his friends good at writting.#喜歡許教授的文字小講與戰國重金屬之歌系列#臺灣商務出版作品裡的優秀書刊作者我認識呢 許...

2021-04-06 14:59:17

[隱喻哲學 意識流 ] 石小墨 創作個展

Really good to know this, M畫廊 / M Gallery 4月3日下午11:19· 親愛的朋友保護自已愛護別人請戴口罩 [隱喻哲學 意識流 ] 石小墨 創作個展 展期:2021 / ...

2021-03-27 19:50:01


I joined this movie at #桃園大江購物中心星橋國際影城 on Oct 3rd 2017. It is a good movie, but it seemed not good at selling movie. 桃園光影電影館 Taoyuan Arts Cinema 2017年9月28日&midd...

2021-03-26 12:33:02


It's so moving to join the movie #聽見歌再唱 in Taoyuan #in89統領影城 lat night. 官方版預告片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuypFnEm8WQ in89統領影城 3月10日下午12:00· ...

2021-03-26 12:26:52


Actually I'm not really understand what this song all about, even I've tried my best to listen. Not sure how about the other think about this song, I'm so willing to show you what they've been done. A...

2021-03-23 13:26:17


Really cold and it's a raining day today. Share with you an article that pretty good, supposed he is not a person who born and lives in Taoyuan. No matter what to do and how, we could not bring b...

2021-03-18 17:11:31


Just read news today to know they Delta actually celebrate already for 50th anniversary. Really cool~ also, there's a film lunched on facebook if you'd like to watch, shared with Delta as underneath. ...

2021-03-12 16:06:06

靠臉吃飯不長久 靠不要臉吃飯天長地久

Going to have snack and lunch box with friend now, just share what we've done together in Chungli, Taoyuan earlier today. Vera Pon 46 分鐘· 分享對象:所有人 ...

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