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Cats --Memory -- Tim Rice 版本

Memory 上演過Tim Rice 的歌詞版本, 而後來改成
Trevor Nunn 的.

Tim Rice 與 Andrew Llyod Webber 因CATS 而反面.
CATS 完成時音韻的創作,需要一個詞人.於是搵Tim.
但Tim 當時不知道 Trevor Nunn (製作總監) 已寫好了詞.
經過周末開會, Andrew 與製作小組認為
Tim 的詞過於灰暗,所以採用 Trevor Nunn 的.

於是,Elaine Page 星期五還在唱 Tim 的版本,到周一已經
唱Trevor Nunn 的.

Tim 大感羞辱,自尊大受打擊,
經有心病.呢兩個都係奇才,合作如 Evita,
Jesus Christ the super star,成就當代最好的作品之一.

以下係Tim Rice 版本


The lyrics Tim Rice wrote for Memory, which were discarded when thecurrent version was chosen. This song is a lot darker and has a suicidethreat in it which was one of the reasons it wasn't chosen, as themusical was intended to be a family one.

Street lights, and the darkness between them,
Like the good and bad sides,
Of a life almost done,
Shake the memory of my passions returning to me,
None forgotten, no not me.

One life, is there only the one life
That we lose in the living
In an endless decline?
No complaining for no one else has seen what I've seen
One existence, only mine

Don't look back no don't look back
So hard to heed that warning
Such temptation but the past is past
And the night makes way for morning

Daylight, I won't care if it finds me
With no breath in my body
With no beat in my heart
For I'm certain that now I know what happiness is
Wish I'd known that from the start

Touch me, is there no one to touch me
It was easy to love me
In my glamorous past
As I leave you a shadow of the light I once was
May my memory sleep at last

台長: threesics
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