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2002-12-19 11:51:42| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Out of The Field (3)--On David Lynch 's Mulhollan

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The out-of-field and our real world are in different dimensions and somtimes it is hard to distinguish them or to draw a border between them.The border might be located in our consciousness where it is determined by values of morality,ethics,mnemonics,psychedelics or even spirituality.

The border might be represented on the screen,as well.It is argued,indeed,that cinema is provided with better tools to convey philosophy than language,text or discourse.For an analysis Mulholland Drive I will introduce the concept of consciousness in the spectatorship.

The cinematic image is not always a representation from the real world,but tends to be a presentation of the Open.In modern films like Mulholland Drive,Memento,but also their precursors as Peeping Tom,Last Year in Marienbad and Blow Up,cinema seems to have become a pedagogic/philosophical tool to expand consciousness.

I will approach these movies as a cinematic system which does not refer to the world as we know it empirically,but may refer to a world we are not yet conscious of.Compared with linguistic discourse and narration,the cinematic system has better possibilities and directer means to show cracks in a universe,behind which another universe emerges.

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