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Taipei’s Boulevard of Style, Zhongshan North Road

Creative Lifestyle Stroll: Taipei’s Boulevard of Style, Zhongshan North Road


Zhongshan North Road and vicinity was Taipei’s historical fashion district and to this day remains the hub for five-star hotels, fashion flagship stores, boutiques, artsy cafés and hip restaurants. Walking along this boulevard guarantees a taste of Taipei’s best culinary arts, fashion trends and designer shops.


Suggested route: Lovely Taiwan store → Booday boutique → teashops of Changchun Road → Wang Liang-chuan Tea Shop → The One → ppaper → Gallery → Melange → Spot-Taipei Film House → Jamei Chen’s shop → fashion flagship stores


Nearby MRT stations: Zhongshan Station





台長: 台北文化護照小天使
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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