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[HP文推薦] Harry vs Draco 哈利 vs 跩哥

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Harry跟Draco在一起很多時候會讀到噴血爆表... 因為兩個都可以很sexy. 不過我本人其實是很不喜跩哥的... 只有同人世界裡的跩哥可以接受^^" 這些是我讀過覺得很讚的.
note: +我喜歡++我愛


+Kissing the Beehive by Penelope-z (also Snape/Harry, R, mystery, supernatural, dark, angst)
Four things that never happened to Harry or Draco. Penelope-Z在歐美HP同人圈是大名鼎鼎的人物, 相當善於使用文字創造出獨特的意境或是氛圍. 這算是很早的作品, 不過裡面包含了許多我愛的元素: 沒有結果的慾望/問題, 焦慮, 神秘/超自然, 以及一個個簡短美麗的場景(電影的味道). 尤其是第四話, 真的令人印象深刻. 然後你會想, 也許HP的結束其實就是那樣, 他們只是出來一下子, 之後會怎樣, 要去哪兒, 做了什麼, 是死了還活著? 無解, 我們就這樣呆呆站在原地, 想到天荒地老.

+Beware the Fury of a Patient Man by breed (PG, angst)
This is creative, at the end the readers will feel as if they're slapped at the face.

Atrophy by Aja (NC-17, sex on a coffin)
A Draco Malfoy who is not your average Prince of Slytherin. I have to say this fic scared me at first, but i'm glad that i finished it, and found it rather cute & touching. A very unique take on H/D relationship. 

+Irresistible Poison by Rhysenn (PG-13, angst)
Love potion gone wrong fic. A classic.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by November Snowflake (angst)
Draco loses his memory and it takes a while for him and Harry to work out.

+Underwater Light by Maya (PG-13)
Novella. Adventure, treachery, teenage angst, confusion, and coffee. Maya's Draco is impossible.

++Your Every Wish by Maya (R, dark)
"Harry thought, I could put him in a cage and make him like it." Brutal and heart-wrenching. Perfect.

Blue Vase by Ivy Blossom (PG)
After the war Harry does nothing, absolutely nothing. Beautifully-written.

台長: Strange Sickness
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