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2002-07-15 14:17:20| 人氣65| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Alaska - Ketchikan

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LEFT: ‘The’ Totem - Raven Stealing The Sun
RIGHT (2 no.): Creek Street
I was absolutely enchanted by Ketchikan, whose name was derived from Tlingit word ‘Kichzaan’ for “Salmon Creek” (although some say “Eagle River”). Amongst its many names, Ketchikan is more recognized as the ‘Salmon Capital of The World’, the ‘Rain Capital’ (of Alaska), and the ‘Totem Town’. I wandered off to Totem Heritage Center (and shaved through the ambush of 2 fierce monster dogs!) to pay my tuition (US$4) for knowledge and reservation contribution on totem culture.

In addition to story telling totems, the photogenic Creek Street is easily the highlight of Ketchikan. Boardwalks alongside Ketchikan Creek, this area used to be a red light district comforting those gold rushers, is now full of unique souvenir shops and art galleries, nothing inferior to impair its charm.

台長: 克莉西
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