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2002-02-15 13:42:25| 人氣140| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Surprising Valentine Day!!

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Having a life alone for so many years makes me doesn't have the habit to celebrate Valentine Day, neither treating meself good nor envying others who are in love.

To me, Valentine Day is a normal day as usual.

as polite as i am, i gave the gifts to my three floormates. Even so, it never occure to me that i should get something from others until Maris ask me if i got something from others.

Maria just talk as her mocking style that none of his freinds send anything to her..until later she revealed that one of her teammates from India called her last night and gave her gifts..Surprisingly, I made joke of her that she seems charming to stange guys as this teamate she mentioned often of his strangeness.

But it's true, Maria is a very sexy girl as what i've mentioned to Qili. When i first met her, i thought this girl who are older than me by 6 years old a normal girl.

After shopping with her several time, I start to feel amazing about her sexy way she shows casually, including the way she dress, the way she having her shoes and the way she acts.

too many word about Maria..But this guy from India is having his vision about her..

Tonight for me are two classes of international markets and business law. First class is dismissd so earlier that i have more than half an hour to keep on studying reading of next class. I step into the classroom and found nobydy at all. I don't care and sit down to study.

Then Professor Greenspan is coming into the calssroom. He fist said hello to me and ask me if i know what day is today? I said it's Valentine Day. He said "Yes, it's happy time,so..."with words unfinished, he disappeard suddenly. I can't figure it out what he's doing, so go back to my studying.

Professor came back with a small chochalate in hands and said"today is Vallatine Day and u r the first one to come to class.."

What a surprise...right??

Besides, today is both the first time for me and Maria to get a chochalate form men,,,hahaha ^0^

Hello, My dear freinds, Happy Valentine Day!!!

台長: Nana
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