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2011-06-01 00:41:56| 人氣318| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A call

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Mom called me one day. She picked me many places as usual. I chatted with her without much attention as usual too when she did so.

Then she started to say something that I just can't help pay all my attention to her talking. She said, "actually I call for something, I hope you hear carefully". Then somehow her voices became trembled. She said, "I hope when I die,, no, I think I will still live much longer like more than 80s,  But just if " she seems a little bit crying herself in that end of the phone. "If I die, I hope all the ceremony should be very quiet as a Buddist"

I listened quietly. somehow I am happy she told me, but at the same time I felt like crying too. I stopped myself as usual and then told her that" I think it's better for you to keep a memory on a note, then I will have this as an evidence to follow your wishes"  

THen Mom stopped crying and  said, "Oh, that's right, I should do that and put it in the drawee of my desk."

I just want it to be made as a normal talkings between families. THat's what I did.

台長: Nana


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