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2004-05-04 19:04:42| 人氣293| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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why ?

I can’t see clearly , the sky.
Full of dark , sun can’t shine.
I can’t think clearly , every thing.
Full of questions , I can’t explane.

Just want somewhere and sometime , let me spell all my life.
There’s no way and no body can ask for help.
I wonder why.

Did you hear me ?
Did you understand what I’m saying ?

I can’t remember , I can’t believe.

There’s a long long way to go for my dream.

Maybe it’s so far from here.
But...I’ll try.

Just want to keep up.
Take it easy...

Then someday , I’ll win !

2004.05.03 PM : 14:24 (一)
下午第六節 基畜

台長: shine


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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: 自我創作(破英文版) |

I can’t see clearly , the sky.
Full of dark , sun can’t shine.
I can’t think clearly , every thing.
Full of questions , I can’t explane.(explain)

Just want (wanted to be)somewhere and sometime , let me spell(spend) all my life.
There’s no way and no body can ask for help.
I wonder way.(are you trying to say
I wonder away or I wonder why?)

Did you hear me ?
Did you understand what I’m saying ?

I can’t remember , I can’t believe.

There’s a long long way to go for my dream.

Maybe it’s so far (away)from here.
But...I’ll try.

Just want to keep up.
Take it easy...

Then someday , I’ll win !

Hi Miss. A Shine.
I am not trying to butt-in on your writings, it is I envy your courage therefore I made a fool of myself. -S
Ps there are no any other intentions. Best
2020-08-09 11:56:18
I wonder way.(are you trying to say
I wonder away or I wonder why?)

Yup, u r right.
2020-08-12 22:29:04
so,in this case I think it's ideal to use:
I wonder why。

however,i personally like:
I wonder away。

it is more sentimental, that’s all

Best to you, as always!
2020-08-13 00:31:43
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