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2007-03-14 21:30:57| 人氣909| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

音樂分享 -- Sufjan Stevens

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這首歌的作者是一位來自美國密西根州,無師自學而成的天才民謠詞曲創作樂手Sufjan Stevens。他多元的樂器編制組合配上點子特多的編曲創作,讓他的音樂每每令人驚艷。他的音樂融合民謠,鄉村和天馬行空的個人創意,旋律非常的甜美。在這張以美國伊利諾州為主題的專輯裡,所有的歌曲都是寫這個州的事蹟。這是一首非常美的歌,但描述的卻是一個殺人犯的故事。先聽歌吧,希望你們會喜歡。

John Wayne Gacy
His father was a drinker 他的父親是個酒鬼
And his mother cried in bed 而他的母親在床上哭泣
Folding John Wayne’s T-shirts 折著John Wayne的T-shirt
When the swingset hit his head 當鞦韆打到他的頭
The neighbors they adored him 鄰居們很敬重他
For his humor and his conversation 因為他的幽默和對話
Look underneath the house there 看看他的房子下面
Find the few living things 找到了ㄧ些屍體
Rotting fast in their sleep of the dead 在死亡的沉睡中快速腐爛
Twenty-seven people, even more 27個人,還有更多
They were boys with their cars, summer jobs
Oh my God 喔 我的老天

Are you one of them? 你是他們其中的一個嗎?

He dressed up like a clown for them 他為他們打扮成小丑的模樣
With his face paint white and red 在臉上塗上了紅白的顏色
And on his best behavior 做出他最精采的表演
In a dark room on the bed he kissed them all 在昏暗房間的床上他親吻了他們
He’d kill ten thousand people 他殺了無數的男孩
With a sleight of his hand 用他熟練的技巧
Running far, running fast to the dead 跑的又快又遠直到死亡的盡頭
He took off all their clothes for them 他為所有男孩脫掉他們的衣服
He put a cloth on their lips 把衣服塞在他們的嘴裡
Quiet hands, quiet kiss 安靜地撫摸,安靜的親吻,
On the mouth 在他們的嘴上

And in my best behavior 以我最好的偽裝
I am really just like him 我就像他ㄧ樣
Look beneath the floorboards 看著地板下面
For the secrets I have hid 我也藏著ㄧ些不為人知的秘密

Music: John Wayne Gacy -- http://mymedia.yam.com/m/857640
casimir pulaski day -- http://mymedia.yam.com/m/860116
super sexy woman -- http://mymedia.yam.com/m/813861
wordsworth’s ridge -- http://mymedia.yam.com/m/807227

more info:
sufjan stevens -- http://asthmatickitty.com/musicians.php?artistID=5 

pic:sufjan stevens 就是這位少年仔!


台長: ㄚ春和阿華
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