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New York City Boys/Uptown Girls--飲食男女的慾望城

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Tuesday, 28 May 2002

上次說到98年在紐約錢被偷. 雖然沒錢, 旅途還是得繼續.
但由於紐約實在太貴, 加上該看的地方都看過了, 於是我就到ChinaTown參加旅遊團到加拿大東部玩(這也是為什麼我這次會想在Toronto, Montreal再多待久一點), 跟團雖然有缺點, 但較便宜. 也比我留在Manhattan便宜很多. (我在Manhattan常和我學妹小芬合吃一份麥當勞套餐, 真是令人
從加東回來之後, 因為留在Manhattan的日子也沒有幾天, Scott又介紹我住在他另一個同學Carlos家.
Carlos住在惡名昭彰的Harlem, 他一再告訴我晚上沒事不要出門. 留在Manhattan的最後一晚, Carlos問我晚上會
不會出去clubbing. 我跟他說我只會跟Scott吃個晚飯, 因為我的飛機是第二天清晨. Carlos告訴我他要去Staten Island找朋友, 很快就回來.

等我回到Carlos的公寓, 發現門鈴無人回應. 我想他可能出
去買東西, 就在門口等他.
等了約半小時, 天色更黑, 我的心也更慌. 一個小時之後我開
始胡思亂想. 我擔心他會不會在Harlem區遭遇不策??還是他看我不順眼想整我?? 如果他不回來, 我的行李都在他公寓, 明天一大早的班機怎麼辦?
就在猶豫該不該報警請警察幫忙時, Carlos終於出現. 他告訴我他回來時地鐵突然停住, 他被困著無法早歸. (和Ron的情形一樣, 看來紐約地鐵和我對沖)

四年後的今天, 我又來到紐約! 我並沒有因98年在紐約的一
dramas而對紐約卻步.相反的, 我一直很想再來紐約, 也很喜歡紐約.
這一次班機沒有誤點, Scott又介紹我住在他另一個同學的公寓. 在Manhattan這幾天, 我都在簡單的coffee & muffin 當早餐後, 開始上網或讀書. 五月底的曼哈頓天氣開始變暖, 我在upper east的公寓外, 微風在初夏的早晨釋放了很多蒲公英. 感覺有點像冬天的初雪, 讓人覺得很舒服. 午餐後我就先跳上6號地鐵, 再決定待會兒要去那裡. 由於大部份的觀光景點都去過, 所以這次我可以玩得很隨興.
帶著我的Canon G-2相機, 憑著直覺漫遊曼哈頓, 享受那陌生中帶著熟悉的驚喜.
我喜歡Manhattan的建築物, Manhattan的男男女女, 那來自世界各地的男男女女, 過客也好, 土著也好....
如果你喜歡看美國的電影或電視, 對紐約一定不陌生. Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Time Square, Empire State Building, Washington Square....都可以讓你駐足許久.
如果你喜歡西洋音樂, 也不難發現許多和紐約有關的歌.
Pet Shop Boy的New York City Boy及 Billy Joel的Uptown Girl是之中我比較喜歡的.


When you're a boy
some days are tough
lying on your bed
playing punk rock and stuff
Home is a boot camp
you gotta escape
Wanna go and wander
in the ticker-tape
You feel the deals is real
You're a New York City boy
So young, so run
into New York City

New York City boy
you'll never have a bored day
‘cause you're a New York
City boy
where Seventh Avenue
meets Broadway

The street is amazing
the hoochies unreal
Check out all the hardware
at the latest deal
Hear a song
That's the bomb!
If you don't get the mix
it's gone eighty-six
You feel the deal is real
You're in New York City

New York City boy
you'll never have a bored day
‘cause you're a New York
City boy
where Seventh Avenue
meets Broadway
New York City boy
This is your reward day
‘cause you're a New York
City boy
where Seventh Avenue
meets Broadway

Then as the evening falls
you can return its calls

You feel the deal is real
You're a New York City boy
So young, so run
into New York City


Uptown Girl

Written by Billy Joel

Uptown girl
She's been living in her uptown world
I bet she never had a backstreet guy
I bet her mama never told her why

I'm gonna try for an uptown girl
She's been living in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now she's looking for a downtown man
That's what I am

And when she knows what
She wants from her time
And when she wakes up
And makes up her mind

She'll see I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love with an uptown girl

You know I've seen her in her uptown world
She's getting tired of her high class toys
And all her presents from her uptown boys
She's got a choice

Uptown girl
You know I can't afford to buy her pearls
But maybe someday when my ship comes in
She'll understand what kind of guy I've been
And then I'll win

And when she's walking
She's looking so fine
And when she's talking
She'll say that she's mine

She'll say I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love
With and uptown girl

She's been living in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now she's looking for a downtown man
That's what I am

Uptown girl
She's my uptown girl
You know I'm in love
With an uptown girl
My uptown girl
You know I'm in love
With an uptown girl
My uptown girl

報長的話:明天我又要回曼哈頓度周末, 也許會去Long Island的海灘soak up the sun

台長: Paul
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