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2011-03-16 20:10:22| 人氣131| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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1.已經花很多時間努力的寫,所以想趕快get rid of it所以不想檢查

2.當初只是隨便寫寫,所以想趕快get rid of it交出了事





In the book”The Street Lawyer”, the main character decides to make changes after taken hostage.  As a young and outstanding lawyer, Mike quits his well-paid job in order to be a full-time street lawyer.  Some friends laugh at his crazy decision; while some offer him reasonable suggestions, such as donating to charities and volunteering as a part-time street lawyer.  “You don’t need to give up so much,” they said.  However, Mike now no longer takes Law as a shortcut to bill money, but a way to rescue the poor under justice.  He says no to his friends and begins his new life.

After reading this book, my former regard toward helping the poor as charities’ business is changed.  It reminds me that help can be given in many ways, not just money.  Instead of limiting myself as a donator, I can give my time and use my specialties to help others.  As a college student now, maybe I have few for donation, but I got plenty of free time and abundant academic training experiences for the past thirteen years.  I can spend some time to do volunteer work as a teacher or everything if given chances to learn. I believe that as long as we have hearts that are willing and eager to give, we don’t need to worry for not giving enough.

台長: 歌詠上帝的恩惠
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