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1. 一種於菸草植物中,生產關鍵疫苗成分QS-21的新方法,已經被開發出。為從皂皮樹之傳統萃取法提供了,可持續的替代方案,且提升了疫苗生產。

A novel method for producing the key vaccine ingredient QS-21 in tobacco plants has been developed, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional extraction from the soapbark tree and enhancing vaccine manufacturing.


Soap bark discovery offers a sustainability booster for the global vaccine market, opening unprecedented opportunities for bioengineering vaccine adjuvants.



A valuable molecule sourced from the soapbark tree and used as a key ingredient in vaccines, has been replicated in an alternative plant host for the first time, opening unprecedented opportunities for the vaccine industry.



A research collaboration led by the John Innes Centre used the recently published genome sequence of the Chilean soapbark tree (Quillaja saponaria) to track down and map the elusive genes and enzymes in the complicated sequence of steps needed to produce the molecule QS-21.

由英國約翰英尼斯中心(John Innes Center)領導的一項研究合作,利用了最近公佈之智利皂皮樹(Quillaja saponaria)的基因體序列,來追蹤及繪製,於生產QS-21分子所需步驟之複雜序列中,難以捉摸的基因及酵素。



2. 藉由利用肥皂樹的基因體,研究人員們為生物工程疫苗佐劑,開啟了新的可能性。潛在上,提升了疫苗功效,且減少了環境衝擊。

By utilizing the soapbark tree’s genome, the researchers have opened up new possibilities for bioengineering vaccine adjuvants, potentially improving vaccine efficacy and reducing environmental impact.


Using transient expression techniques developed at the John Innes Centre, the team reconstituted the chemical pathway in a tobacco plant, demonstrating for the first time ‘free-from tree’ production of this highly valued compound.



Professor Anne Osbourn FRS, group leader at the John Innes Centre said: “Our study opens unprecedented opportunities for bioengineering vaccine adjuvants. We can now investigate and improve these compounds to promote the human immune response to vaccines and produce QS-21 in a way that does not depend on extraction from the soapbark tree.”

約翰英尼斯中心的團隊領導人,Anne Osbourn FRS教授宣稱:「我們的研究為生物工程疫苗佐劑,開啟了前所未有的機會。目前,我們能調查研究及改善此些化合物,來促進人類對疫苗的免疫反應,及以一種不仰賴從皂皮樹萃取的方式生產 QS-21。」


Vaccine adjuvants are immunostimulants that prime the body’s response to the vaccine – and are a key ingredient of human vaccines for shingles, malaria, and others under development.




3. 智利肥皂樹。

Chilean soapbark trees.


QS-21, a potent adjuvant, is sourced directly from the bark of the soapbark tree, raising concerns about the environmental sustainability of its supply.



For many years researchers and industrial partners have been looking for ways to produce the molecule in an alternative expression system such as yeast or tobacco plants. However, the complex structure of the molecule and lack of knowledge about its biochemical pathway in the tree have so far prevented this.



Previously researchers in the group of Professor Osbourn had assembled the early part of the pathway that makes up the scaffold structure for QS-21. However, the search for the longer full pathway, the acyl chain which forms one crucial part of the molecule that stimulates immune cells, remained unfinished.




4. 智利皂皮樹,疫苗中寶貴成分QS-21的來源。

Chilean Soapbark Tree – a source of QS-21 a valuable ingredient in vaccines.


In a new study that will be published today (January 26) in Nature Chemical Biology, researchers at the John Innes Centre used a range of gene discovery approaches to identify around 70 candidate genes and transferred them to tobacco plants.



By analyzing gene expression patterns and products, supported by the Metabolomic and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) platforms at the John Innes Centre, they were able to narrow the search down to the final 20 genes and enzymes that make up the QS-21 pathway.

藉由分析基因表現模式及產物,在約翰英尼斯中心之代謝物體學及核磁共振(NMR)平台的支持下。他們能將搜尋縮小到,構成QS-21途徑的最後20 個基因及酵素。


First author Dr Laetitia Martin said: “This is the first time QS-21 has been produced in a heterologous expression system. This means we can better understand how this molecule works and how we might address issues of scale and toxicity.

首要撰文人,Laetitia Martin博士宣稱:「這是首次,已經於異源表現體系中,生產QS-21。」


“What is so rewarding is that this molecule is used in vaccines and by being able to make it more sustainably my project has an impact on people’s lives. It’s amazing to think that something so scientifically rewarding can bring such good to society.



“On a personal level, this research was scientifically extremely rewarding. I am not a chemist so I could not have done this without the support of the John Innes Centre metabolomics platform and chemistry platform.”






台長: peregrine
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