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為何形成記憶的神經元易受阿茲海默氏症影響 (舊譯文)

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1. 阿茲海默氏症中,於大腦內嗅皮層中形成記憶的神經元(綠色)最先退化。  (圖援用自原文)


When Alzheimer’s disease strikes, the entire brain doesn’t crumble at once. Instead the mind unravels like grim clockwork, beginning with the telltale degradation of a group of brain cells in the entorhinal cortex. These so-called vulnerable neurons are responsible for shuttling experiences into memories. They are always the first to go.



Figuring out why patients lose these vulnerable neurons early on could be the key to discovering novel treatments for Alzheimer’s. Now, a new study sheds light on the inner workings of this subset of neurons and describes the molecular factors that render entorhinal brain cells uniquely sensitive to degeneration.



If we can understand the peculiarities of the brain’s most vulnerable neurons, we can potentially open up new avenues for treatment,” says Jean-Pierre Roussarie, senior research associate in the late Paul Greengard’s Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, who published the findings in Neuron.

於《神經元》期刊發表此些研究發現之已故( 2019413日逝世)美國生物醫學家,Paul Greengard的分子暨細胞神經科學實驗室資深研究夥伴,Jean-Pierre Roussarie宣稱:「倘若能瞭解大腦最易受影響之神經元的特殊性,則潛在上能開啟治療的新途徑。」


So far, attempts to develop a treatment for Alzheimer’s have largely failed. But most efforts undertaken have centered on the accumulation of Aβ peptides, which form plaques throughout the brain. These plaques are the first sign of Alzheimer’s, and the most studied.



The second sign of the disease is less celebrated, but may hold more promise. After the initial amyloid plaques form in the brain, a jumble of tau proteins known as neurofibrillary tangles clog the insides of neurons. Unlike amyloid plaques, this latter protein clump initially clusters solely within a distinct group of cells of the entorhinal cortex. The sheer predictability of the process makes it an attractive therapeutic target.



But until now, scientists knew little about the nuances that make vulnerable neurons tick and tangle. With that in mind, the researchers set out to catalogue the genetic factors that render entorhinal neurons uniquely vulnerable to neurofibrillary tangles.



“There has been one trial after another, and we have accumulated a huge knowledge of the mechanisms that produce amyloid plaques,” Roussarie says. “But what is going on downstream of the amyloid accumulation, and how these plaques trigger neurofibrillary tangles within vulnerable neurons, is much more of a puzzle. It is a place where we could discover novel therapeutic targets.”



The biggest barrier to studying these brain cells was the absence of any easy way to distinguish vulnerable neurons from their neighbors. For Roussarie and his colleagues, BacTRAP provided an answer. Developed at Rockefeller by Greengard and Nathaniel Heintz, bacTRAP technology makes it possible to catalogue proteins within specific populations of neurons in mice.

研究這些腦細胞的最大障礙是,缺乏任何容易區分,易受影響之神經元與其鄰近神經元的方法。對Roussarie及其同僚們而言,細菌人工染色體-轉譯核醣體親和性的純化(bacTRAPbacterial artificial chromosome ‐ translating ribosome affinity purification)技術,使得可能編目分類,於小鼠特定神經元種群中的蛋白質。


“We needed something like a microdissection of these neurons from the complex and mushy bowl of the brain,” says Marc Flajolet, acting head of the lab and coauthor on the study.

該項研究合撰人,上述實驗室代理負責人,Marc Flajolet宣稱:「他們需要某種,像此些來自複雜且糊狀碗大腦之神經元的顯微解剖。」


BacTRAP allowed the researchers to isolate the vulnerable neurons and analyze how they differ, genetically, from more resilient brain cells. A Princeton University team led by Olga Troyanskaya then designed computer algorithms to help the team focus upon only the genetic anomalies likely to be most relevant to neurodegeneration.

BacTRAP技術使此些研究人員,遺傳上得以從較能復原的腦細胞,分離出易受影響的神經元,並分析它們有多差異。之後,美國普林斯頓大學一支由Olga Troyanskaya領導的團隊,設計了諸多電腦演算法,來協助該團隊僅著重於,可能與神經退化最有關聯的遺傳異常。


“The goal was to form a big-picture view, rather than a list of genes,” Flajolet says. “Only by way of these sophisticated data-analysis frameworks can you get to the bottom of something as complicated as the neurodegenerative cascade in Alzheimer’s disease.”



The findings highlight a suite of genes that are likely involved in making entorhinal cortex neurons easy targets for degeneration.



The most compelling among them is thought to play a major role in the early stages of Alzheimer’s—deciding whether tau proteins clump into neurofibrillary tangles in the first place. The gene produces a protein called PTBP1, a so-called splice factor that directs cells to create one of two subtypes of tau protein.



Prior studies have shown that the characteristic protein clumps of Alzheimer’s occur specifically when the ratio of these two flavors of tau is disrupted—and the new findings suggest the disease might be driven by cells whose tau-variant levels are disturbed.



“When tau popped out, there was a lot of excitement,” says Vicky Yao, an assistant professor in computer science at Rice University, and co-author of the Neuron report. “Once we figure out what makes neurons more vulnerable, that can lead to multiple avenues to decrease their vulnerability.”

該項於《神經元》期刊的報導合撰人,美國德州萊斯大學電腦科學方面的助理教授,Vicky Yao宣稱:「當tau突然出現時,有許多令人振奮之事。一旦人們瞭解了,使神經元更易受影響的原因,就能引領出多種降低其易受影響性的方法。」


Successful strategies for preventing and treating neurodegeneration will likely involve diverse approaches, adds Roussarie. Future drugs may need to target plaque formulation as well as neurofibrillary tangles, for example, and the first step toward preventing the latter will be to understand what makes some neurons prone to tangling in the first place.



“The diversity of neurons was just not taken into account before,” Roussarie says. “A lot of people are studying neurofibrillary tangles, but only now are we beginning to address it through the prism of neuron vulnerability.”






台長: peregrine
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