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丹尼索瓦人的DNA於早期東亞人的基因體中 (舊譯文)

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Scientists identify 34,000-year-old Early East Asian of mixed Eurasian descent



In a new study, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany and the Mongolian Academy of Sciences present an analysis of the genome of the oldest human fossil found in Mongolia to date.



They show that the 34,000-year-old female inherited around 25 percent of her DNA from western Eurasians, demonstrating that people moved across the Eurasian continent shortly after it had first been settled by the ancestors of present-day populations.



The study also shows that this individual as well as a 40,000-year-old individual from China carried DNA from Denisovans, an extinct form of hominins that inhabited Asia before modern humans arrived.



1. 在蒙古東部索爾基特山谷所發現,屬於一具活在34千年前的女性頭頂骨。分析顯示:她從西部的歐亞人遺傳了大約25%其DNA (圖援用自原)


In 2006, miners discovered a hominin skullcap with peculiar morphological features in the Salkhit Valley of the Norovlin county in eastern Mongolia. It was initially referred to as Mongolanthropus and thought to be a Neandertal or even a Homo erectus. The remains of the “Salkhit” individual represent the only Pleistocene hominin fossil found in the country.



Ancient DNA extracted from the skullcap shows that it belonged to a female modern human who lived 34,000 ago and was more related to Asians than to Europeans. Comparisons to the only other early East Asian individual genetically studied to date, a 40,000-year-old male from Tianyuan Cave outside Beijing (China), show that the two individuals are related to each other.



However, they differ insofar that a quarter of the ancestry of the Salkhit individual derived from western Eurasians, probably via admixture with ancient Siberians.



“This is direct evidence that modern human communities in East Asia were already quite cosmopolitan earlier than 34,000 years ago“, says Diyendo Massilani, lead author of the study and researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. “This rare specimen shows that migration and interactions among populations across Eurasia happened frequently already some 35,000 years ago“.

該項研究首要撰文人,馬克斯普朗克演化人類學研究所研究員,Diyendo Massilani宣稱:「這是於東亞,現代人類群落早在34千年前,已經十分廣布的直接證據。此罕見的樣本證實,大約35千年前,諸多族群之間橫越歐亞的遷徙及互動,已經頻繁發生。」


The researchers used a new method developed at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology to find segments of DNA from extinct hominins in the Salkhit and Tianyuan genomes. They found that the two genomes contain not only Neandertal DNA but also DNA from Denisovans, an elusive Asian relative of Neandertals.



“It is fascinating to see that the ancestors of the oldest humans in East Asia from whom we have been able to obtain genetic data had already mixed with Denisovans, an extinct form of hominins that has contributed ancestry to present-day populations in Asia and Oceania”, says Byambaa Gunchinsuren, a researcher at the Institute of Archaeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. “This is direct evidence that Denisovans and modern humans had met and mixed more than 40,000 years ago“.

蒙古科學院考古學研究所研究員,Byambaa Gunchinsuren宣稱:「從咱們已經能獲得遺傳數據的人中,發現於東亞最古老人類的祖先,已經與丹尼索瓦人(這是曾經將血統提供給,在亞洲及大洋洲之當今族群的一個已滅絕人種)混血,這是吸引人的。這是丹尼索瓦人與現代人類,4萬多年前已經相逢且混血的直接證明。」


“Interestingly, the Denisovan DNA fragments in these very old East Asians overlap with Denisovan DNA fragments in the genomes of present-day populations in East Asia but not with Denisovan DNA fragments in Oceanians. This supports a model of multiple independent mixture events between Denisovans and modern humans“, says Massilani.






台長: peregrine
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