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By Yan Zhuang

Nov. 12, 2021


When Italian migrants arrived after World War II, they helped develop a coffee scene that many now regard as the best in the world.



A couple of years ago, when I was planning a trip to the United States, a few friends joked that I had to beware of their terrible coffee.



As someone who’d grown used to the standards set by Melbourne cafes, I remember thinking: It can’t that bad, right? I mean sure, it might be a little substandard, but you can’t mess up a flat white too much.

身為一個已經習慣,由澳洲墨爾本諸咖啡館訂定之標準的人,我記得當時在想:不會那麼不佳,對吧?我的意思是,當然,它或許有點不合標準。 不過,不能把平白咖啡(一種流行於澳大利亞及紐西蘭,具有微泡的濃縮咖啡飲料)弄得過於一團亂。


1. flat white  (圖援用自:https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/flat-white)


Then I got there, had a sip of the brewed brown swill they like to drink and realized that it was really that bad.



Australian coffee has become something of a global phenomenon, most recently evidenced by the flat whites our delegation gave out at the COP26 meeting and which reportedly were a resounding success. (Unlike the rest of Australia’s performance at the climate summit).

澳大利亞的咖啡已經成為一種全球事象的東西。最近我們的代表團,在第26締約國會議(COPConference of the Parties)的大會上,用光了平白咖啡,獲得了證明。據報導,這是一項令人矚目的結果。(這與澳大利亞在氣候峰會上的其他表現完全不同)


Over the last decade or two, Aussie-run cafes have popped up around the world. Our coffee is slowly being embraced by Americans. In 2015, Starbucks started selling “Australian style” flat whites, reigniting a fierce debate about whether it originated in Australia or New Zealand.



Our coffee culture, particularly in places like Melbourne, is world-class. The story of how it developed speaks to both our immigrant past and our willingness to go at things our own way instead of following tradition.



According to historians, it started after World War II, when Italian migrants brought with them espresso machines and the European cafe culture.



“The introduction of espresso coffee in the 1950s is nostalgically remembered by many as a key watershed between a drab past and a cosmopolitan present,” Andrew May, a historian at the University of Melbourne, said via email.

澳洲墨爾本大學的歷史學家,Andrew May經由電子郵件宣稱:「於1950年代,意大利式咖啡(也就是,濃縮咖啡)的引進,被很多人懷舊地銘記為,過去單調與現在世界性之間的一個關鍵分水嶺。」


But it wasn’t quick to take off, he added. “There was also still a lot of racism toward Italian migrants. So it was a slow burn really, and the next wave of inner-city rejuvenation and gentrification from the early 1980s — a new wave of Bohemian cafes — gave coffee another significant boost.”



Our love for velvety, milky coffee came from the marriage of Italian espresso and the existing British tradition of drinking tea and instant coffee with milk. “We’ve perfected the milk side of coffee because we’re a milk drinking nation,” said Bruno Maiolo, the president of the Australian Specialty Coffee Association.

我們對於天鵝絨般之牛奶咖啡的熱愛,源自意大利式咖啡與英國現有喝茶及具有牛奶之即溶咖啡傳統的結合。澳大利亞精品咖啡協會主席,Bruno Maiolo宣稱:「我們已經改善了咖啡的牛奶部分,因為我們是一個喝牛奶的國家。」



And how did Australian coffee go to the next level? It’s because baristas and roasters have been willing to push the boundaries, always experimenting and refining, he said. “We’re new and young and hip and always asking questions about every piece of the puzzle.”



This willingness to mix-and-match and experiment is a running theme in Australian food culture, said Emma Felton, a sociologist from the Queensland University of Technology.

來自澳洲昆士蘭科技大學的社會學家,Emma Felton表示,在澳大利亞飲食文化中,這種混合、搭配及嘗試的意願,是當前的一種主題。


You look at countries like France or any European country and they’re much more hidebound. Their culture is much more rigid, so they don’t have as much experimentation, with their food in particular.”



“We don’t have to conform so much because we’re a nation of immigrants,” she said. “We really pick-and-grab from all over the world.”



At home, Australians don’t think of ourselves as a nation of coffee connoisseurs, she added, but we usually are by default, because of the high standard we are accustomed to.






台長: peregrine
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