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2002-08-22 08:25:59| 人氣35| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Home sweet home....

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Today, I am actually home before 7pm!!! Wow...that's a new improvement!! This project is finally going towards the end and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! So glad to be home and doing absolutely NOTHING!

Well, I really have no interesting stories these days given that I have not done anything else other than working. Anyone has stories that they would like to share? Well, email it to me and I will post it :) The whole sharing password idea didn't get too much reponse so I guess no one like the idea?

Count down-- 4 days til my 24th Birthday!!

台長: Sunny Girl
人氣(35) | 回應(0)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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