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2003-09-27 13:06:00| 人氣389| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

six feet under!!!.......

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ON HBO ...


Directed by: Michael EnglerWritten by: Jill Soloway

Claire seems to be finding direction in her life, and a newly serious Billy may help her along the way. The death of an elderly friend of Federico's gets him thinking about his start in the funeral business. Ruth finally understands Nikolai's true feelings about their relationship, and tensions between Nate and Brenda come to a head when the truth comes out about Brenda's clandestine activities. David's new life with Keith seems to be coming together, when Keith has a run-in on the job that may threaten everything they've worked for.

Showtimes :

Tue, 10:00 PM
Sat, 10:15 PM
on HBO....

Song #1 : Shakira - "Suerte"
In a busy Latin hair salon, a hairdresser finds Leticia Perez has passed away while under the dryer.


Song #2 : TelepopMusik - "Breathe"
Over morning coffee, Brenda is surprised and uncomfortable to find Nate reading a racy passage from the book she is writing.


Song #3 : Lena Horne - "Back In My Baby's Arms"
Keith and David are preparing for their meeting with a social worker to determine if Taylor can live with them.


Song #4 : Giuseppe Verdi - "Un Altra Notte from Il Trovatore"
Margaret talks to Brenda about her upcoming commitment ceremony.


Song #5 : The Soundtrack Of Our Lives - "Sister Surround"
Claire, invigorated with creative energy after vising her potential art college, takes some self portrait photographs.


Song #6 : Bill Wells Octet vs. Future Pilot AKA - "Om Navah Shivaya"
Margaret and Bern's commitment ceremony.


Song #7 : First Com Music Library - "Super Smooth"
A social worker visits Keith and David's apartment to determine if they are fit to look after Taylor.


Song #8 : Ali Farka Toure - "Jangali Famata"
Brenda and Billy have opposing opinions on their parents commitment ceremony.


Song #9 : Ali Farka Toure - "ASCO"
Following the commitment ceremony, Nate and Bernard toast new beginnings and growing up.


Song #10 : Mariachi All Stars - "Flor Silvestre"
At his mother's funeral, Andrew is upset over Rico's inheritance.


Song #11 : Street Walkin' Cheetahs - "Automatic "
Keith gets into an altercation with a suspected wife beater


Song #12 : Mariachi All Stars - "El Preso"
Federico puts photos of his children in Leticia Perez' casket.


Song #13 : Boards Of Canada - "Happy Cycling"
Brenda is on her porch having a smoke, when two teenage boys approach. Without a word she leads them into the house.

台長: Momo~
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