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2014-08-09 10:59:06| 人氣535| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Centennial Beach

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Centennial Beach Café is part of a newly-developed, state-of-the-art facility serving the community from its unique location in Boundary Bay Regional Park. Located on the beachfront, it commands a 180° panoramic vista across Boundary Bay. The view sweeps dramatically from the mountains in the north, across the entire bay to majestic Mt. Baker and on to the distant islands out in the Gulf.

The soft sand and gentle water are ideal for long hours of enjoyment for everybody. The well-maintained trail out-front circles the bay, giving access to an internationally recognized ‘Important Bird Area’ on The Pacific Coastal Flyway. The trail is ideal for walkers, bikers, joggers, strollers and simply the chance to just enjoy the wonderful scenery. Imaginatively designed, the children’s playground is a new, fun-filled group of activities offering hours of pleasure to a wide range of ages. It is a favourite of all those who have visited already and known to many children as ‘the really fun park’.

Centennial Beach

Centennial Beach

Love this beach.Beautiful,clean,great facilities-lots of parking,picnic
and bar-b-que areas,restaurant, bathrooms and change rooms,playground,fields,courts,trails,pond,gardens.
Fun fun fun

Spend a great  night in the beautiful beach

Centennial Beach

  • 489 Boundary Bay Road
  • Delta, British Columbia V4L



2014 08

台長: Momo~
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