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Lake Louise Vistor Centre

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Information on park attractions, facilities, weather and

 backcountry trail conditions

 Banff/Lake Louise Tourism Bureau has information on lodging,

activities and events (summer only).


Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre
Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre
Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre

Lake Louise Vistor Centre


Samson Mall
Lake Louise, Alberta
403-522-3833 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 403-522-3833 免費 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
 9 am-12:30 pm and 1-4 pm; extended summer hours.

2013 06 29


台長: Momo~
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: Travel in Canada 旅遊 |
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