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Lynn Canyon Park ~North Vancouver

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Lynn Valley

Lynn Canyon Park homepage


Lynn Canyon Park is a municipal park in the District of North Vancouver, British Columbia. When the park officially opened in 1912 it was only 12 acres (49,000 m2) in size, but it now encompasses 617 acres (2.50 km2). The park has many hiking trails of varying length and difficulty. The Baden-Powell Trail passes through the park crossing over the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge.

The park is a second growth forest, with the most of the oldest trees being 80-100 years old.

 Evidence of logging in the area can be found in the many large stumps, complete with springboard notches.


Cliff jumping is popular with Lynn Valley youth in the summer.

The series of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis both use the area for filming.

Six young men were jumpping down from high Cilff,they seem had a lot fun.

Big Root ~

Fresh air ~

Nice weather ,It was around 22c..feel comforable! 

It's a good idea to go  to Lynn Valley for changing my body o'clock! 

Malia was making a funny face!!ha~

That's the" NORMAIL" one.~~


 Info  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia~


2010.07.30 North Vancouver ~Lynn Valley

台長: Momo~
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