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第五週 週五


出三8  我下來要救他們脫離埃及人的手,領他們從那地出來,上到美好、寬闊、流奶與蜜之地…。

 四9 他們若這兩個神蹟都不信,也不聽你的話,你就從河裏取些水,倒在乾地上,你從河裏取的水必在乾地上變作血。











Morning Nourishment

Exo. 3:8 "And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey..."

4:9 "And if they will not believe even these two signs or listen to your voice, then you shall take some of the water of the River and pour it on the dry ground, and the water...will become blood upon the dry ground."

     The purpose of God’s calling of Moses was, negatively, to deliver the children of Israel out of the usurpation and tyranny of Pharaoh and Egypt, and, positively, to bring them into Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey (Deut. 8:7-9), where they could establish God’s kingdom (Exo. 19:6; 2 Sam. 5:12; 7:12, 16) and build up His dwelling place on earth (2 Sam. 7:13). In typology, this signifies delivering people out of the usurpation and tyranny of Satan and the world, and bringing people into Christ, the all-inclusive One typified by the land of Canaan (see note 71 in Deut. 8), for the building up of the church as God’s kingdom and God’s dwelling place on earth (Rom. 14:17; Eph. 2:20-22; 4:12). (Exo. 3:8, footnote 1)

     Pharaoh was a type of Satan, and Egypt was a type of the world. Just as Pharaoh was the ruler of Egypt, so Satan is the ruler of this world (John 12:31). God is still seeking to deliver His chosen people out of the usurping hand of Satan and out of the tyranny of the world. As God’s called ones, we need a clear view of what the world is. The world is not a source of enjoyment; it is a place of tyranny. In the world Satan is keeping God’s chosen people, those destined for the fulfillment of God’s purpose, under his usurping hand. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 121-122)

 Today's Reading

    After we see the vision of the burning thornbush and after we come to know who God is and what God is, we still need the three signs. The first sign is that of the rod becoming the serpent. The subtle serpent who poisoned Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 is exposed in Exodus 4. This sign helps us to know the devil. It indicates that anything we rely upon apart from God is a hiding place for the serpent. Through the years I have learned that whenever I trust in something, the serpent is hidden in that thing. We have pointed out that the rod which Moses had used for many years was a hiding place for the usurping serpent. However, Moses did not realize this until, at the word of the Lord, he cast the rod to the ground. Then the hidden serpent was exposed.

     The second sign is that of the hand that became leprous. This sign is for knowing the flesh of sin. We are not only leprous, but we are leprosy. This means that we are sin, not just sinful. When Christ died on the cross, He not only bore our sins (1 Pet. 2:24), but He was made sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21)....Every called one must have the subjective knowledge that his flesh is a flesh of sin and that nothing good dwells in it. Our flesh is a constitution of sin, rottenness, and corruption.

    Furthermore, the called one must realize that the world is filled with death. This is revealed in the third sign, the sign of the water becoming blood. To the people of the world, enjoyment comes from the supply and entertainment of the world, signified by the Nile that watered the land of Egypt. However, in the eyes of God’s called one, the world is not filled with living water, but filled with the blood of death. What the world has to offer is not water to quench our thirst; it is death that poisons us and kills us.

    As God’s called ones, we must know the devil, the flesh, and the world. Paul had this threefold knowledge. Regarding Satan, Paul said, “We are not ignorant of his schemes” (2 Cor. 2:11). Regarding the flesh, he said, “For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, nothing good dwells” (Rom. 7:18). And regarding the world, he said, “The world has been crucified to me and I to the world” (Gal. 6:14). Again we see that what Moses experienced in type, Paul experienced in reality. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 117-118)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 8, 11; CWWN, vol. 62, ch. 28


台長: Joshuachang

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