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第六週 綱目



週 一

壹 主恢復中的眾召會需要生命的職事—約壹五14~17,林後三6,四112

一 職事是基於構成;我們需要以基督所是、所作、所達到並所得着的為構成—弗三817

1 職事乃是由包羅萬有、賜生命之靈的構成所產生出來的結果;基督連同祂所是、所有,並所達到的一切,必須構成到我們的所是裏面;這是得着職事惟一的路。

2 新約的職事不僅是生命的事,更是在生命裏並出於生命的構成—林後四12

3 那靈,就是經過過程的三一神終極的表現,將神聖的生命,就是神自己,分賜到使徒和所有其他的信徒裏面,使他們成為新約(生命之約)的執事;因此,他們的職事乃是憑着神的賜生命之靈,用那是生命的三一神構成的—三6,林前十五45下,羅八211

4 新約的職事乃是賜人生命之靈的職事,因為新約帶進神的義,叫人得生命—五1721

週 二

二 新約的執事經歷神是復活的神,並將祂這位復活的神供應給人—林後一8~10

三 使徒約翰的職事是生命的修補職事,聖經也結束於這個職事—太四21,約一4,十10,十一25,二十31

貳 我們有永遠的生命,而且經歷並享受永遠的生命,就可以將這生命供應給身體上的其他肢體—約壹一2,五14~17

一 供應生命就是分賜生命;我們有生命的富餘時,纔能將這富餘供應給人—16節。

週 三

二 在約壹五章十六節裏,當為他祈求將生命賜給他這兩句話的主詞都是指上文的同一個人,就是那看見弟兄犯罪而為弟兄祈求的人:

1 這樣一個住在主裏面,與主是一的祈求者,成了神賜生命的靈能將生命賜給他所代求之人的憑藉、管道;這就是在神聖生命的交通裏供應生命—林前六17,約壹一37

2 我們要成為能將生命分賜給別人的人,就必須住在神聖的生命裏,並在神聖的生命裏生活、行事、為人—約十五4~57,約壹一1~7

3 我們需要經歷並享受我們裏面永遠的生命,我們也需要藉着成為管道,讓永遠的生命經過我們,流到身體上別的肢體,而供應這生命—五16

週 四

參 我們在生命的職事裏,需要與主是一,鼓勵聖徒經歷並享受神作活水的泉源,以祂作他們獨一的源頭—耶二13,啟七17

一 神在祂經綸裏的心意,是要作活水的泉源,源頭,以滿足祂的選民,作他們的享受—耶二13,詩三六8~9

1 神要我們接受祂作活水的泉源,作我們生活獨一的源頭—羅十一36

a 神不要祂所揀選並救贖的人接受祂自己以外的任何事物作源頭—林前八6,耶二13

b 我們該接受神作我們的源頭,與祂是一,並接受出於祂的一切—羅十一36

2 神在祂經綸裏的目的,乃是要得着一班裏面有祂的生命和性情,外面有祂的形像和樣式的人;這班人是一個團體的實體,就是基督的身體,他們與祂是一,並且活祂作祂團體的彰顯—創一26,弗一10,三9,四16

3 神作活水泉源的目標,是要產生召會作祂的擴增,好成為祂的豐滿來彰顯祂;這是神在祂經綸裏的心願,喜悅—一5922~23

a 神需要成為祂選民的活水泉源,因為祂有一個經綸,祂的經綸是要為自己產生一個配偶,新婦—約三29上,四14,啟十九7~8

b 神要作活水的泉源給祂的選民喝,目的是要得着擴增並擴大—耶二13

週 五

c 神的經綸是要將祂自己作活水分賜出來,以產生祂的擴增,祂的擴大,好作祂的彰顯—西二19

d 我們飲於神這活水的泉源,乃是為着召會作祂的擴增;我們喝神,乃是為着產生祂的擴大,祂的豐滿,作祂的彰顯—約四14,三29上,林前十二12~13

e 除了神這活水的泉源,沒有甚麼能解我們的乾渴,沒有甚麼能滿足我們;除了神分賜到我們裏面,沒有甚麼能使我們成為祂的擴增,作祂的彰顯—啟二二117

4 神的願望是要作祂所揀選之人的一切,使他們凡事信靠祂並依賴祂;他們若這樣作,就會接受神的分賜—耶十七7~8

5 接受神作活水的泉源,惟一的路就是喝祂;藉着喝祂,我們將流自神這活水泉源的活水接受到我們裏面—約四14,七37,耶二13

週 六

二 三一神已經過過程並得着完成,為要將祂自己分賜到我們三部分人裏面—約七37~39,羅八11

1 神的經綸就是要將祂自己分賜到我們裏面,使我們這人能由祂的所是構成;這惟有藉着神將祂自己放在我們裏面作神聖的生命,纔能完成—2610~11節。

2 藉着將祂自己分賜到我們裏面作生命,神就能完成祂的經綸,使祂得着自己團體的彰顯,直到永遠—啟二一9~10,二二1

三 我們需要飲於神這活水的泉源,這樣祂就能擴增,以完成祂的經綸,藉着祂的配偶得着彰顯—耶二13,林前十二13,約四14

1 當我們飲於神這活水的泉源,祂就與我們成為一,我們也與祂成為一—詩三六8~9

2 我們越飲於神,祂就越與我們成為一,我們也越與祂成為一,而在祂的生命和性情上由祂所構成,作祂團體的彰顯、祂的配偶,以完成祂心頭的願望,終極完成祂永遠的經綸—約三15,彼後一4,弗一59,五27


The Ministry of Life

Scripture Reading: 1 John 5:14-17; 2 Cor. 3:6; 4:1, 12; Jer. 2:13


I. The churches in the Lord’s recovery need the ministry of life (1 John 5:14-17; 2 Cor. 3:6; 4:1, 12):

A. Ministry is based on constitution; we need to be constituted with what Christ is, with what He has done, with what He has attained, and with what He has obtained (Eph. 3:8, 17):

1. The ministry is brought forth as a result of being constituted with the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit; Christ, with all that He is, has, and has attained, must be constituted into our being; this is the only way to have a ministry.

2. The new covenant ministry is not only a matter of life; it is a constitution in life and of life (2 Cor. 4:12).

3. The Spirit, who is the ultimate expression of the processed Triune God, imparts the divine life, even God Himself, into the apostles and all the other believers, making them ministers of a new covenant, the covenant of life; hence, their ministry is one constituted with the Triune God of life by His life-giving Spirit (3:6; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:2, 11).

4. The ministry of the new covenant is of the Spirit who gives life, because the new covenant brings in God’s righteousness unto life (5:17, 21).


B. The ministers of the new covenant experience God as the God of resurrection and minister Him to others as the God of resurrection (2 Cor. 1:8-10).

C. The ministry of the apostle John, the ministry with which the Bible concludes, was a mending ministry of life (Matt. 4:21; John 1:4; 10:10; 11:25; 20:31).

II. We who have eternal life and experience and enjoy eternal life may minister this life to other members of the Body (1 John 1:2; 5:14-17):

A. To minister life is to impart life; when we have a surplus of life, we can minister from this supply to others (v. 16).


B. In 1 John 5:16 he shall ask and he will give life refer to the same person, that is, to the one who sees his brother sinning and asks concerning him:

1. Such an asker, who is abiding in the Lord and who is one with the Lord, becomes the means, the channel, by which God’s life-giving Spirit can give life to the one for whom he is asking; this is the ministering of life in the fellowship of the divine life (1 Cor. 6:17; 1 John 1:3, 7).

2. To be one who can give, impart, life to others, we must abide in the divine life and live, walk, and have our being in the divine life (John 15:4-5, 7; 1 John 1:1-7).

3. We need to experience and enjoy the eternal life within us, and we need to minister this life by being a channel through which eternal life can flow to other members of the Body (5:16).


III. In the ministry of life we need to be one with the Lord to encourage the saints to experience and enjoy God as the fountain of living waters, taking Him as their unique source (Jer. 2:13; Rev. 7:17):

A. God’s intention in His economy is to be the fountain, the source, of living waters to satisfy His chosen people for their enjoyment (Jer. 2:13; Psa. 36:8-9):

1. God wants us to take Him as the fountain of living waters, the unique source of our living (Rom. 11:36):

a. God does not want His chosen and redeemed people to take anything other than Himself as the source (1 Cor. 8:6; Jer. 2:13).

b. We should take God as our source to be one with Him and to receive whatever issues from Him (Rom. 11:36).

2. God’s aim in His economy is to have a group of human beings who have His life and nature inwardly and His image and likeness outwardly; this group of people is a corporate entity, the Body of Christ, to be one with Him and live Him for His corporate expression (Gen. 1:26; Eph. 1:10; 3:9; 4:16).

3. God’s goal in being the fountain of living waters is to produce the church as His increase to be His fullness for His expression; this is the heart’s desire, the good pleasure, of God in His economy (1:5, 9, 22-23):

a. God needs to be the fountain of living waters to His elect because He has an economy, and His economy is to produce a counterpart, a bride, for Himself (John 3:29a; 4:14; Rev. 19:7-8).

b. God’s purpose in wanting to be the fountain of living waters for His elect to drink is that He would be increased and enlarged (Jer. 2:13).


c. God’s economy is to dispense Himself as the living water to produce His increase, His enlargement, for His expression (Col. 2:19).

d.Our drinking of God as the fountain of living waters is for the church as His increase; our drinking is for the producing of His enlargement, His fullness, for His expression (John 4:14; 3:29a; 1 Cor. 12:12-13).

e. Nothing apart from God as the fountain of living waters can quench our thirst and satisfy us; nothing apart from God dispensed into our being can make us His increase for His expression (Rev. 22:1, 17).

4. God’s desire is to be everything to His chosen people so that they may trust in Him and rely on Him for everything; if they do this, they will receive God’s dispensing (Jer. 17:7-8).

5. The only way to take God as the fountain of living waters is to drink Him; by drinking Him, we take into us the living water that issues from God as the fountain of living waters (John 4:14; 7:37; Jer. 2:13).


B. The Triune God has been processed and consummated in order to dispense Himself into our tripartite being (John 7:37-39; Rom. 8:11):

1. God’s economy is to dispense Himself into our being so that our being can be constituted with His being; this can be accomplished only by God putting Himself into us as the divine life (vv. 2, 6, 10-11).

2. By dispensing Himself into us as life, God is accomplishing His economy, that He may have a corporate expression of Himself for eternity (Rev. 21:9-10; 22:1).

C. We need to drink of God as the fountain of living waters so that He may increase for the fulfillment of His economy to have His expression through His counterpart (Jer. 2:13; 1 Cor. 12:13; John 4:14):

1. When we drink of God as the fountain of living waters, He becomes one with us, and we become one with Him (Psa. 36:8-9).

2. The more we drink of God, the more He is one with us and the more we are one with Him and constituted with Him in His life and nature to be His corporate expression, His counterpart, for the fulfillment of the desire of His heart and the consummation of His eternal economy (John 3:15; 2 Pet. 1:4; Eph. 1:5, 9; 5:27).

台長: Joshuachang

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