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創三五14 雅各便在神與他說話的地方立了一根石柱,在柱上澆了奠祭,並且澆上油。

腓二17  然而,即使我成為奠祭,澆奠在你們信心的祭物和供奉上,也是喜樂,並且與你們眾人一同喜樂。









WEEK 8 — DAY 2

Morning Nourishment

Gen. 35:14 "And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where He had spoken with him, a pillar of stone; and he poured out a drink offering on it and poured oil on it."

Phil. 2:17 "But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice, and I rejoice together with you all."

[In Philippians 2:17] Paul regarded the faith constituted of the believers’ experience of Christ as the basic offering upon which he could pour out himself as a drink offering. God in heaven must have been very happy with this situation....On the side of the believers, there was faith; on the side of the apostle, there was the drink offering. What a marvelous scene! No wonder Paul could say that he rejoiced with them all! Paul rejoiced to have his blood shed as a drink offering upon the sacrifice of the believers’ faith. He not only rejoiced, but he rejoiced together with all the saints. To rejoice together with others is to share joy with them. The apostle shared his joy with the Philippians in his martyrdom over their faith. This implies a congratulation to them. I believe that the Triune God was also rejoicing with Paul at such a happy, joyful scene. (Life-study of Philippians, p. 118)

Today's Reading

A drink offering can only be produced out of our experience with the Lord. In order to become a drink offering, we need to be filled with the Lord and saturated with Him. Only in this way can we have the spiritual constitution which makes us a drink offering. What a tremendous matter that sinners such as we can be constituted into heavenly wine for God’s satisfaction!

As a result of their experience of Christ and enjoyment of Christ, the believers have a constitution which Paul terms faith. In the eyes of God, this faith is so excellent, beautiful, and marvelous that He considers it a sacrifice offered to Him. Paul, after experiencing the Lord for so many years, especially during his imprisonment, became a constitution of heavenly wine that could cheer God and make Him happy. The sacrifice of the believers’ faith was satisfying to God, and the drink offering was cheering to Him. Thus, the drink offering is a cheering offering presented in addition to a satisfying sacrifice. The sacrifices were very satisfying to God. In the Old Testament, the one who offered the drink offering presented something which, in type, came not from the flock or the herd, but out of himself and his experience. In the New Testament we see that through his personal enjoyment of Christ and experience of Him, Paul became cheering wine poured out before the Lord. His experience of Christ constituted him into wine to make God happy. (Life-study of Philippians, pp. 118-119)

The drink offering was...offered mainly with the burnt offering, the peace offering, and the meal offering (Exo. 29:40-41; Lev. 23:9-13, 15-18; Num. 15:1-10; 28:1-14; 29:12-38). The drink offering is a type of Christ pouring Himself out for God’s pleasure and satisfaction. (Truth Lessons—Level Three, vol. 2, p. 14)

The drink offering was in addition to the basic offerings revealed in Leviticus 1—6....The basic offerings are types of various aspects of Christ. The drink offering is a type of Christ as enjoyed by the offerer. Christ as the heavenly wine fills the offerer and even causes him to become wine to God. The apostle Paul became such a drink offering (2 Tim. 4:6) by enjoying Christ in this way, so that he could be poured out as a sacrifice to God upon the believers’ faith through the shedding of his blood. (Phil. 2:17, footnote 1)

Genesis 35:14 is the first mentioning of the drink offering in the Bible....Its being mentioned here in connection with the pillar at Bethel indicates that the drink offering is for God’s building. The fact that Jacob poured a drink offering upon the pillar before pouring oil upon it signifies that the pouring out of the drink offering brings in the outpouring of the Spirit (Acts 2:33) for the sanctifying of God’s house (Exo. 40:9). (Gen. 35:14, footnote 2)

Further Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msg. 69; Life-study of Philippians, msg. 14


台長: Joshuachang

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