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第八週 週四


林後四10~12 身體上常帶着耶穌的治死,使耶穌的生命也顯明在我們的身體上。因為我們這活着的人,是常為耶穌被交於死,使耶穌的生命,也在我們這必死的肉身上顯明出來。這樣,死是在我們身上發動,生命卻在你們身上發動。









WEEK 8 — DAY 4

Morning Nourishment

2 Cor. 4:10-12 "Always bearing about in the body the putting to death of Jesus that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who are alive are always being delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death operates in us, but life in you."

Where there is no Cross there is no life, and no ministry of life. The object of suffering is that there may be a full and abundant ministry. Theory is no substitute for this. Poverty of ministry results from the choice of an easy road. Those who have an easy time all too often have little to give. They do not understand men’s needs. Of course I don’t mean we are to invite trouble, or by austerity to ill-treat our bodies. The Spirit Himself takes responsibility for our experience, leading us in paths where we encounter, in body, heart, or spirit, that measure of “the dying of Jesus” that will mean enrichment to our ministry. It is our part only to follow. (CWWN, vol. 40, p. 125)

Today's Reading

You ask me how you can be used to minister life to the Body. Not by setting out deliberately to do a lot, nor indeed by running away into retirement and doing nothing, but simply by letting the Cross operate in the normal course of your walk with the Lord. Those who only serve by words and works find they have no ministry if at any time they are reduced to inactivity or silence. But the measure of your ministry is not determined by the measure of your activity. Only let “the slaying of Jesus” work in you, and life must manifest itself in others. It cannot be otherwise, for it is an abiding principle of the Body that “death worketh in us, but life in you.” So you need make no special effort to bring increase to the Body in this way, for anything God takes you through by way of the Cross will spontaneously bring increase there.

Nor need you talk a lot, for it is not necessary to testify to your death experience in order for it to become vital to others. Provided you are willing for death, others will know life. Reality communicates itself; it is not dependent upon human communications. We “despise not prophesyings,” but we affirm nevertheless that ministry in the Body is not only a question of preaching or testifying. What we go through in secret with the Lord is quite sufficient to minister life to His members. If we suffer for the Lord’s sake, that suffering will bring increase to others, without our making known the story of our suffering. Talking about it is not only superfluous; in some circumstances it is an abomination.

The Body of Christ is ministered to, not first of all by preaching and working, but by inward reality. The Holy Spirit is concerned with what is real and true, and will never witness to what is not real. What you communicate by words is what you are already bringing of Christ to the Church, for as we have said, the Body is ministered to by a communication of life. And life is communicated to others, quite simply and spontaneously, as death operates in us. So the question is not, How much are you doing or saying? but, How much are you going through under the hand of God?

Ministry on any basis other than the oneness of the Body is unreal. Until you have seen that fact, you constantly wonder how you can function; but when you see it, you know that as soon as you yourself have received something, the Body has received it. What is yours is the Body’s, and there is no need to struggle to pass it on. Do you want to build up the church? Then let it be built up in you. What you receive from the Head, the Church, His Body, spontaneously receives; and what you have not received, it can never receive through you. The question of ministry is settled when the question of receiving is settled; and the question of receiving is settled by “the dying of Jesus.” (CWWN, vol. 40, pp. 125-127)

When the life we receive from the Lord flows into the Body, the measure of the stature of the Body increases. God increases the measure of the stature of the Body through the members. (CWWN, vol. 44, pp. 845)

Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 40, pp. 110-130; Life-study of 2 Corinthians, msgs. 30-35

台長: Joshuachang

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