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第一篇  異象與使命
讀經:西一25 ~ 26,徒九4 ~ 6,二二14,二六16、18 ~ 19

綱  目

週 一
壹 『我…作了…執事,要完成神的話』—西一25:
一 神的話就是神的啓示,在新約以前並未完成。
二 在新約時,使徒們,特別是使徒保羅,在神的奧祕(基督),以及基督的奧祕(召會)這兩點上,完成了
     神的話—25 節,二2,弗三3 ~ 4。
三 歌羅西一章二十六節的『奧祕』與二十五節『神的話』是同位語:
   1 這奧祕是關乎基督與召會,就是頭與身體—弗五32。
   2 藉着使徒保羅將這奧祕揭開,神的話,就是神聖的啓示,就得以完成了—西一25。
四 在關於基督作神的奧祕,以及召會作基督的奧祕這啓示上,保羅完成了神的話,將神的經綸完滿的啓示

週 二
五 今天在我們的經歷上,完成神的話就是在我們的日常生活中主觀的經歷基督,使正當的召會生活得以出
    現,使三一神在基督裏得着彰顯—加二20,弗三17 上,一22 ~ 23。
六 我們若要成爲完成神話語的人,就必須供應基督作賜生命的靈,並且與召會站在一起,在正確的地方立
     場上,作基督活的彰顯;這就是我們的負擔、我們的職事和我們的爭戰—林前十五45 下,一2,十二12
     ~ 13、27。

週 三

貳 『主阿,你是誰?』—徒二二8:
  一 『…神,旣然樂意將祂兒子啓示在我裏面』—加一15 下~ 16 上:
      1 神的心願,是要將祂的兒子啓示在我們裏面,使我們認識祂,接受祂作我們的生命(約十七3,三
         16),成爲神的兒子(一12,加四5 ~ 6)。
     2 沒有甚麼比神的兒子活的人位揭開、啓示在我們裏面,更使神喜悅—一15 下~ 16 上,林後三14 ~
        18,四3 ~ 6。
     3 聖經的中心點乃是神的兒子這活的人位;祂是三一神的具體化身,實化爲包羅萬有的靈,在我們的靈
       裏,使我們享受祂,有分於祂的豐富,並且活祂—林前十五45 下,林後三17,腓一19,加六18。
  二 『你爲甚麼逼迫我?…我就是你所逼迫的耶穌』—徒九4 下、5 下:
     1 這裏的『我』是團體的,包括主耶穌和祂所有的信徒。
     2 這乃是全宇宙中獨特的啓示,藉此掃羅開始看見,主耶穌和祂的信徒是一個偉大的人—那奇妙的
     3 這團體的『我』的啓示必定使掃羅印象深刻,影響他將來關於基督與召會是神極大奧祕的職事,並爲

週 四
  三 『我向你顯現,正是要選定你作執事和見證人,將你所看見我的事,和我將要顯現給你的事,見證出
    1 執事是爲着職事,見證人是爲着見證:
    a 職事主要的與工作有關,與執事的所作有關—十三2,十四26。
    b 見證與人有關,與見證人的所是有關—一8,二三11。
   2 凡基督向保羅啓示的事,莫不是以祂自己作那些事的內容;因此,在保羅所看見的一切異象中,他看
      見了基督;主指明祂要向保羅啓示更多的事,在那些事中,主自己也要向他顯現—二二14 ~ 15,弗一
  四 『我們祖宗的神豫先選定了你,叫你認識祂的旨意』(徒二二14);神的旨意是要爲基督得着一個身
         體,作祂的豐滿,祂的彰顯—羅十二2、5,弗一5、9、11、22 ~ 23。

週 五

叁 『主阿,我當作甚麼?』—徒二二10:
   一 『起來,進城去,你所當作的事,必有人告訴你』(九6);這與掃羅對基督身體的認識有關—西一
   二 『叫他們的眼睛得開,從黑暗轉入光中,從撒但權下轉向神,又因信入我,得蒙赦罪,並在一切聖別
      1 從黑暗轉入光中,就是從黑暗轉移到光裏面;從撒但權下轉向神,就是從撒但的權勢下,轉移到神裏
         面—18 節上,西一13:
      a 撒但的權勢就是撒但的國,這國屬黑暗—太十二26,約十二31。
      b 轉向神就是轉向神的權柄,就是神屬光的國—三5,約壹一5。

週 六
     2 赦罪是新約禧年一切福分的基礎—徒二六18 下。
     3 我們的眼睛得開,從撒但權下轉向神,結果就得着基業;這基業是三一神自己並祂所有的、所作成的
        以及爲祂贖民所要作的一切—18 節下,西一12,弗一13 ~ 14,彼前一4。
     4 神聖的基業乃是在一切因信入基督而得聖別的人當中;這聖別是地位上的,也是性質上的—徒二六18
肆 『我…沒有違背從天上來的異象』(徒二六19);在這異象中,使徒看見關於三一神的神聖事物如何分

2013 Memorial Day Conference


Message One

The Vision and the Commission

Scripture Reading: Col. 1:25-26; Acts 9:4-6; 22:14; 26:16, 18-19


Day 1
I. “I became a minister…to complete the word of God”—Col. 1:25:
  A. The word of God is the divine revelation, which had not been completed before the New Testament
       was written.
  B. In the New Testament the apostles, especially the apostle Paul,completed the word of God in regard
       to the mystery of God, which is Christ, and the mystery of Christ, which is the church—v. 25;
       2:2;Eph. 3:3-4.
  C. In Colossians 1:26 the mystery is in apposition to the word of God in verse 25:
     1. This mystery concerns Christ and the church, the Head and the Body—Eph. 5:32.
     2. The unveiling of this mystery through the apostle Paul is the completing of the word of God as the
         divine revelation—Col. 1:25.
   D. Concerning the revelation of Christ as the mystery of God and the church as the mystery of Christ,
        Paul completed the word of God and revealed to us God’s economy in a full way—Eph. 1:10; 3:9; 1
        Tim. 1:4.

Day 2
E. In our experience today, to complete the word of God is to experience Christ subjectively in our daily
     living so that the proper church life may come forth for the expression of the Triune God in
     Christ—Gal.2:20; Eph. 3:17a; 1:22-23.
F. If we would be those who complete the word of God, we must minister Christ as the life-giving Spirit
    and stand with the church as the living expression of Christ on the proper ground of locality; this
    is our burden, our ministry, and our warfare—1 Cor. 15:45b; 1:2;12:12-13, 27.

Day 3
II. “Who are You, Lord?”—Acts 22:8:
   A. “When it pleased God…to reveal His Son in me”—Gal. 1:15a, 16a:
       1. The desire of God’s heart is to reveal His Son in us so that we may know Him, receive Him as our
           life (John 17:3; 3:16), and become the sons of God (1:12; Gal. 4:5-6).
      2. Nothing is more pleasing to God than the unveiling, the revelation, of the living person of the Son
          of God in us—1:15a,16a; 2 Cor. 3:14-18; 4:3-6.
      3. The focal point of the Bible is the living person of the Son of God, who is the embodiment of the
          Triune God realized as the all-inclusive Spirit in our spirit for us to enjoy Him, partake of His
           riches, and live Him—1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17; Phil. 1:19;Gal. 6:18.
   B. “Why are you persecuting Me?…I am Jesus, whom you persecute”—Acts 9:4b, 5b:
      1. This “Me” is corporate, comprising Jesus the Lord and all His believers.
      2. This was a unique revelation in the universe, for by it Saul began to see that the Lord Jesus and His
           believers are one great person—the wonderful “Me.”
     3. The revelation of the corporate “Me” must have impressed and affected Saul for his future ministry
         concerning Christ and the church as the great mystery of God and laid a solid foundation for his
         future ministry—Eph. 5:32.

Day 4
   C. “I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a minister and a witness both of the
         things in which you have seen Me and of the things in which I will appear to you”—Acts 26:16:
      1. A minister is for the ministry, and a witness is for the testimony:
        a. The ministry is related mainly to the work, to what a minister does—13:2; 14:26.
        b. A testimony is related to the person, to what a witness is—1:8;23:11.
     2. Christ did not reveal things to Paul without Himself as the content of those things; thus, in all the
          visions Paul saw Christ;the Lord indicated that He would reveal more things to Paul,and in those
          things the Lord Himself would appear to him—22:14-15; Eph. 1:17.
   D. “The God of our fathers has previously appointed you to know His will” (Acts 22:14); the will of God
        is to obtain a Body for Christ to be His fullness, His expression—Rom. 12:2, 5; Eph. 1:5, 9, 11, 22-23.

Day 5
III. “What shall I do, Lord?”—Acts 22:10:
   A. “Rise up and enter into the city, and it will be told to you what you must do” (9:6); this is related to
         Saul’s knowledge concerning the Body of Christ—Col. 1:24.
   B. “To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that
        they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by
        faith in Me”—Acts 26:18:
     1. To turn from darkness to light is to have a transfer from darkness into light, and to turn from the
         authority of Satan to God is to be transferred out of the authority of Satan into God—v. 18a; Col.
      a. The authority of Satan is Satan’s kingdom, which belongs to darkness—Matt. 12:26; John 12:31.
      b. To be transferred into God is to be transferred to the authority of God, which is God’s kingdom,
           belonging to light—3:5; 1 John 1:5.

Day 6
     2. Forgiveness of sins is the base of all the blessings of the New Testament jubilee—Acts 26:18b.
     3. As the result of having our eyes opened and of being transferred from the authority of Satan to God,
          we receive an inheritance;this inheritance is the Triune God with all that He has, all that  He has
         done, and all that He will do for His redeemed people—v.18c; Col. 1:12; Eph. 1:13-14; 1 Pet. 1:4.
     4. The divine inheritance is among those who have been sanctified by faith in Christ; this
          sanctification is both positional and dispositional—Acts 26:18d; Matt. 23:17, 19; Rom. 6:19, 22.
IV. “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19); this was a vision in which the apostle saw
       the divine things concerning the dispensing of the Triune God into His chosen, redeemed, and
       transformed people  for the building up of the Body of Christ according to God’s eternal
       economy—Rom. 8:11; Eph. 4:16; 1:10; 3:9.

台長: Joshuachang
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