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第四週 • 週三





    耶穌基督的靈,就是約翰七章三十九節所說的那靈。這不僅是主成爲肉體前之神的靈,更是主復活後之神的靈,就是具有神性的聖靈,與主的成爲肉體(人性)、十字架下的爲人生活、釘十字架並復活調和而成的(聖經恢復本,腓一19 註2)。


    在出埃及三十章二十三至二十五節,由橄欖油和四種香料調和而成的聖膏油,是這複合之神的靈完滿的豫表。現今這靈乃是耶穌基督的靈〔腓一19〕。…耶穌的靈〔徒十六7〕主要的是爲着主的人性和爲人生活,基督的靈〔羅八9〕主要的是爲着主的復活。我們要經歷腓立比二章五至八節所描繪主的人性,就需要耶穌的靈;要經歷三章十節所說主復活的大能,就需要基督的靈。使徒在受苦時,經歷了主在人性中的受苦並主的復活;因此,那靈對他乃是耶穌基督的靈,就是三一神那複合、包羅萬有、賜生命的靈。對於像使徒那樣經歷並享受基督的爲人生活和復活的人,這樣一位靈有全備的供應,甚至就是全備的供應。至終,這複合的耶穌基督之靈,成了神的七靈,祂是神寶座前的七盞火燈,在地上完成神的行政,使神關乎召會的經綸得以成就;祂也是羔羊的七眼,爲要把祂一切的所是傳輸到召會裏面(啓一4,四5,五6)(聖經恢復本,腓一19 註2)。






WEEK 4 — DAY 3

Morning Nourishment

Gen. 1:2 "But the earth became waste and emptiness, and darkness was on the surface of the
                   deep, and the Spirit of God was brooding upon the surface of the waters."

Phil. 1:19 "For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the
                     bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ."

    The revelation in the Bible concerning God, Christ, and the Spirit is progressive. The Spirit is mentioned first as the Spirit of God, in relation to creation (Gen. 1:2). Then, He is mentioned as the Spirit of Jehovah, in the context of God's relationship with man (Judg. 3:10; 1 Sam. 10:6); as the Holy Spirit, in relation to the conception and birth of Christ (Luke 1:35; Matt. 1:20);
as the Spirit of Jesus, in relation to the Lord's human living (Acts 16:7); as the Spirit of Christ, in relation to the Lord's resurrection (Rom. 8:9); and [in Philippians 1:19] as the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

    The Spirit of Jesus Christ is"the Spirit" mentioned in John 7:39. This is not merely the Spirit of God before the Lord's incarnation but the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit with divinity, after the Lord's resurrection, compounded with the Lord's incarnation (humanity), human living under the cross, crucifixion, and resurrection. (Phil. 1:19, footnote 4)

    Today's Reading

    The holy anointing ointment in Exodus 30:23-25, a compound of olive oil and four kinds of spices, is a full type of this compound Spirit of God, who is now the Spirit of Jesus Christ [Phil. 1:19]....The Spirit of Jesus [Acts 16:7] is related mainly to the Lord's humanity and human living; the Spirit of Christ [Rom. 8:9] is related mainly to the Lord's resurrection. To experience the Lord's humanity, as illustrated in [Philippians] 2:5-8, we need the Spirit of Jesus. To experience the power of the Lord's resurrection, as mentioned in 3:10, we need the Spirit of Christ. In his suffering the apostle experienced both the Lord's suffering in His humanity and the Lord's resurrection.Hence, the Spirit to him was the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the compound, allinclusive,life-giving Spirit of the Triune God. Such a Spirit has, and even is, the bountiful supply for a person like the apostle, who was experiencing and enjoying Christ in His human living and resurrection. Eventually, this compound Spirit of Jesus Christ becomes the seven Spirits of God, who are the seven lamps of fire before God's throne to carry out His administration on earth for the accomplishing of His economy concerning the church, and
who are the seven eyes of the Lamb for the transfusing of all that He is into the church (Rev. 1:4; 4:5; 5:6). (Phil. 1:19, footnote 4)

    The Old Testament mostly uses the term"Spirit of God," as in Genesis 1:2. Further on in the Old Testament we find the term"Spirit of Jehovah" (e.g.,Judg. 6:34). At the end of the Old Testament there is even the remarkable term"Spirit of grace" (Zech. 12:10). Spirit of holiness is also mentioned (Isa. 63:10, 11; Psa. 51:11).

    In the New Testament mostly the terms Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, and the Spirit are used. Paul uses many other terms as well."Spirit of God" is found in his writings (Rom. 8:9), but now He is no longer brooding over the waters; He"dwells in you." The brooding Spirit today is indwelling us. What a change from Genesis 1!

    Paul also uses the term Holy Spirit a number of times in his Epistles....Luke 1:35 gives us the first mention of the Holy Spirit. He is introduced at the time when the Lord Jesus was conceived by a human mother. This is because something common is to be made holy. In this same verse the One to be born is called"the holy thing." The Holy Spirit came into a human being to conceive something holy. When the Holy Spirit came into us common human beings, we too could be made holy.

    [Acts 16:7] says,"The Spirit of Jesus did not allow them." This term is found only in this verse. It indicates that when the Lord Jesus was walking on this earth, the Spirit of God was with Him. Jesus was a man, yet the Spirit of God was with Him. This Spirit became the Spirit of Jesus to live a human life. (The Completing Ministry of Paul, pp. 49-50)

    Further Reading: The Completing Ministry of Paul, ch. 7

台長: Joshuachang
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