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第六週 • 週六


弗四 15~16『惟在愛裏持守着真實,我們就得以在一切事上長到祂,就是元首基督裏面;本於祂,全身

    即使我們有神的形像,但在我們天然的光景中,我們裏面並沒有寶貴的東西;我們只是土造的人。神的心意是要將我們這班土造的人完全變化成爲祂的形像,使我們與金、珍珠、寶石一樣寶貴。成就這事的路非常簡單。首先,主耶穌進到我們靈裏,成爲內裏的元素,因此變化我們的靈。從那時起,只要我們與祂合作,祂就會在我們裏面擴增,並從我們的靈擴展到我們的魂裏。在祂回來那天,甚至我們物質的身體,就是我們全人外面的部分,也會被祂的元素浸透(腓三 21)。(信徒對變化的經歷,二一至二二頁)。







WEEK 6 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment

Eph. 4:15-16 But holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the
                          Head, Christ, out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit
                           together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the
                          measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of
                          itself in love.

    Even though we have the image of God, in our natural state we have nothing precious within us; we are only men of clay. God's intention is to transform us men of clay into His image in a full way so that we would be as precious as gold, pearls, and precious stones. The way that this happens is very simple. First, the Lord Jesus comes into our spirit to be the inward element, thereby transforming our spirit. From that time onward, as long as we cooperate with Him, He will increase within us and spread from our spirit into our soul. On the day He returns, even our physical body, the very outer part of our being, will be saturated with His element (Phil. 3:21). (The Believer's Experience of Transformation, p. 22)

Today's Reading

    Without the spreading of the Spirit into your soul, your oneness with others is of short duration. If you visit Hong Kong, for example, you will be warmly received and at first feel happy to be there. Within a very short time, however, you will realize how differently they do things from the way you think they should be done. Before many days go by, you will be offended. While you are here at home, you shout,"Hallelujah for the one new man!" but when you are in a new environment, the new man is cut into pieces by the concepts you still hold.

    Your soul is still not transformed. You are still living in your soul, which remains old and natural. This is the hindrance to the new man. Will you allow the indwelling Spirit to thoroughly saturate your soul so that it is organically transformed? Will you give the Spirit the freedom to permeate your soul as well as your spirit? If He does, whether you go to Ghana, or the Philippines, or Brazil, you will have no problem. The base of your opinion will have been destroyed. With your soul saturated by the indwelling Spirit, you are one with the new man. You are built up in the Body. Whatever locality you visit, whomever you meet, there is no problem on your side.

    When this is true of the saints all over the world, there will be the new man. The Body will be built up....Ephesians 4:12-16 tells us that the building up of the Body of Christ depends on the growth in life."For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building
up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, that we may be no longer little children...but...may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, Christ, out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love."
    [To]"grow up into Him in all things" comes about through our soul's being saturated with the Spirit. There must be"the growth of the Body" for the Lord to have the new man. This is the goal the Lord is pursuing. When His Body is built up, He will have the new man on earth to carry out God's eternal purpose. Let us pray for this to be realized and offer ourselves to Him for this."Lord, spread Yourself from my spirit into my soul. Saturate my soul. Transform me metabolically. I want to be organically changed." After some time we shall be transformed by the growth in life. Then we shall be built into the Body and be members of the new man. As this happens in many of us throughout the whole earth, the new man will come into being. This is the Lord's goal. Let us be one with Him in pursuing this. (The Completing Ministry of Paul, pp. 71-72)

    Further  Reading:  The  Completing  Ministry  of  Paul,  chs.  8-9;  The Believer's Experience of Transformation, chs. 2-3

台長: Joshuachang
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