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共找到22筆符合Taylor Swift的資料 搜尋全站»
A few days ago Jimmy Fallon did a seri...(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-02-10 21:00:00 | 人氣:191 | 回應:0
Taylor Swift performed "Iris", "one of...(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-11-23 23:00:00 | 人氣:103 | 回應:0
Okay, let's continue the series of "Ta...(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-10-11 23:00:00 | 人氣:153 | 回應:0
Check out the teaser for Taylor Swift ...(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-09-23 21:00:00 | 人氣:479 | 回應:0
Taylor Swift brought in her buddy Hayl...(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-09-18 23:00:00 | 人氣:225 | 回應:0
It is not a top secret that Taylor Swi...(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-08-30 23:00:00 | 人氣:326 | 回應:0
It started out like this. Back in 2010...(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-02-16 17:45:51 | 人氣:409 | 回應:0

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