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2011-11-11 21:00:00| 人氣188| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Flashback Friday: The Drugs Don't Work

In 2006, a scientist performed studies on songs from the UK Singles Chart, and the research crowned Lily Allen's "LDN" the happiest song, Blur's "Song 2" the most exhilarating song, and The Verve's "The Drugs Don't Work" the saddest song.

"The Drugs Don't Work" probably needs no scientific principle to verify its undeniable status as the song with the saddest and most despairing lyrics. It is believed that the song is about The Verve's frontman Richard Ashcroft's father dying from cancer but the pills were not working. Some also argue that the song could be about drug use, or even about some till-death-do-us-apart relationship.

The song has been covered by many artists, like Ben Harper, Terra Naomi and Taiwanese rock songstress Faith Yang.

Ben Harper - The Drugs Don't Work (Unplugged Cover)

Terra Naomi - The Drugs Don't Work (The Verve Cover)

Faith Yang - The Drugs Don't Work (The Verve Cover)

台長: 丫奧
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